legend of korra

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“Courage is not the absence of fear,but rather the judgementthat something else ismore important than fear

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Courage is not the absence of fear,
but rather the judgement
that something else is
more important than fear.


Tanaya Beatty
as Korra

BooBoo Stewartas Mako

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BooBoo Stewart
as Mako

BooBoo Stewartas Mako

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Ryan Potter
as Bolin

Ryan Potteras Bolin

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Arden Cho
as Asami

Arden Choas Asami

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[ requested by glennlusional ]

Again, if there is anyone you would
like to be different, just let me know,
especially if I got any of the ethnicities wrong!

Also, so sorry for the long wait!!

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