Details about me

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So basically I realized that I haven't done this and almost every book that's about the atuthor's done this so why not give it a shot?

Name: Kristy (insert last name)

Nickname: Kris/Krispy

Age: 14

Country: Malaysia

IRL friends: adlinaemily cazziefoo EleasaBeh ScarletHand Chelsea0798 TheAwesomeDude33      noturbuzinez JolineChan isleepoutside MeganLim503 XxJac25LeexX bralettes 

Appearance: Short, slimmish fat, apparent 'hair goals', average Chinese face, glasses, looks serious all the time

Religion: Christian

Likes: Being antisocial, books, actual friends, CATS, PE (I know a lot of people don't like PE but I actually like playing in the hot sun), writing (kinda), art, editing, my parents, food, Phan, youtube, basically any social websites

Dislikes: Being forced to be social, certain people, exams, school, studying, siblings, any type of sauce ( besides chocolate and cheese), people always asking me why I'm sad when I'm not, people who judge others, hypocrites, people who talk bad about others, people who backstab their friends (erhem VANESSA), basically people in general

Personality: If I don't know you I'll be really awkward but if I do know you then I'll be really weird in a good way

Extra information: I'm usually polite and nice but if you get on the my list of 'fucking retards' then I'll be the literal definition of mean so watch out

I guess that's it! I hope you won't find me intimidating or something after reading this. I'm actually really nice,as said by some people. Well, as I have no clue in to what to write now, bye!

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