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Yeji had always been good in calculating, it had been in her veins, or maybe it was the fact that she loved counting the empty bootles

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Yeji had always been good in calculating, it had been in her veins, or maybe it was the fact that she loved counting the empty bootles.

She loved counting the seconds she had spendt with him.

Min Yoongi, her boyfriend.

Her patner in crime.

The only drug she really needed.

It was 5 pm and Yeji stepped in their appartment, notes all over their place and the piano was played. She let down the groceries, down on the messy kitchen counter,their fridge had been empty for days, and she stepped into the only room their appartment offered.

The room that was their living and bed room, the room that had this huge window and was lightend every night from the neon lights from the strip club and it's attention catching signs, across the street.

There was a sofa, a little TV and the wlan router.

And right in the middle the piano surrounded by a few empty cigarette boxes and bootles, clothes and everything you could find in any other young adults room.

Yeji leaned against the door frame while she watched him play and taking notes, Yoongi was completly doing his thing. Only then, he heard her applauding and looked at her, giving her his usual gummy smile: ,,You're back."

Yeji held a box in her hands: ,,I got you the cigarettes you wanted."

And she threw them over to him,her body had become so fragile and small lately, Yoongi remebered the days when she was chubby and he could pinched her cheeks, he could still do, but now she looked so diffrent.

Sometimes he didn't understand how he got her, or how he deserved her.

He loved how lucky he was, what a cliché that he liked Yeji since they were in primary school, jeez he remebered how happy he was when she suddenly became so interested in him in highschool.

When she realized who her real friends were.

Yoongi opened the box and was greeted by a bunch of bubblegums and rolled his eyes with a giggle: ,,You are really someone."

She giggled and watched how he turned his back to the piano and clapped on his thighs: ,,Hey remeber back then?"

Yeji slid down her coat and walked to him, only to let herself down on her boyfriends lap. She looked at every single feature he had, Yoongi was just a whole masterpiece. He laid a arm around her so she wouldn't lose her Balance and with the other he dragged her closer to himself.

,,How could I forget?"

And she dragged his head near to hers so that their lips crashed apart, and it felt like their first kiss, she couldn't pull away and he couldn't too, it was such a familiar feeling, yet new, the taste of cigarettes on both of their lips and the scent of wasted youth in the humid air.

The cacti at their Window where growing up so high and whenever it got steamy in their little home they would be covered with little water drops.

But now they got interrupted by the sound of their own stomachs, especially his was being loud, it made her giggle as she mumbled: ,,I got us some sushi."

And she gently pressed a kiss onto his neck, she could smell his fragrance it had always been calming her down she just loved his smell, the mixture of the perfume and his usual sweet body smell and his fingers that somehow smelled like bubblegum.

She loved every single detail about him and she didn't care about her life and how things had been. She just knew that no matter how rough the day was, he was there to hold her tight in his arms until she would fall asleep.

He was there to protect his girl as much as he could.

He would never let her go.

He didn't want her to be harmed, looking at her body how she stood up and prepared the Sushi, he could see her bones show a little when she stretched.

Her red stripped shirt was barely covering her stomach and her high waist jeans was just sliding down a little that he could see her smooth skin.

So pale and fragile.

In his eyes she was his diamond, a shimmering star but he was as pretty and precious as the moon to her.

Only in the full moon nights, her eyes used to shimmer and now they would always do so when she looked at him, she saw something she couldn't describe with words and she would never be able to do so. He was making her breathless as if she was just newly in love and she didn't even realize how she stared at him in admiration while he was quietly eating.


A/N: Man it aches my heart to keep writing this au to Cactus u have no idea( If you haven't read Cactus I would suggest you to do that first). Also I hope you like the concept of me putting songs at the begining of every chapter, which i think reflect the mood well~

Furthermore, I suggest you to put ur attention especially to the described plants, trust me ;)

Furthermore, I suggest you to put ur attention especially to the described plants, trust me ;)

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