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'hey.' I said to the guys earning a hey back. I smiled as we talked for a bit. I heard footsteps and I turn around seeing a man with a hoodie over his head walking past us. I saw dull hazel eyes like someone I knew but I can't seem to remember his name. 'Y/n?' Vanessa asked me as I was snapped out of my thoughts.

'Sorry...that guy just seems so familiar.' I told them. They looked at him and shrugged. 'Doesn't matter he's gone now.' Flaire said. I sighed and nodded as we continued to talk but I kept an image of that guy that kept replaying in my mind.

He seemed so familiar...When I got home I got a call from someone I hadn't had talked to in a few years. He used to play with me and Jack but we parted ways. I put my headphones on and accepted the Skype call. "Hey, Ohm. It's been a while." I told him.

"Hey, Y/N. Can we talk? I just need someone to talk too..." Ohm asked me. I hummed in response. He explained that him and his friend Bryce got into a fight and they aren't talking. I was sad because Ohm seemed depressed.

"N/N...Can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Did/would you ever forget about me?" Ohm asked me. The question took me by surprise (IT TOOK ME BY SURPRISE. THE HATRED IN BIS EYES-) I thought for a few seconds before answering. "Ryan I've never forgotten about you. Your always in my mind because I had hope that one day you would come back to us. Your original group of friends. But I knew you couldn't. I knew you wouldn't because you play with more popular people. Ry it hurt not hearing from the one you cared for the most for two years. I miss you. I miss you playing with all of us but we all have different playing styles. Ryan my question for you is...Would you ever forget about me?" I asked him the same question he had asked me.

"Your always on my mind. Even if I don't talk to you you'll always be there."

I smiled at him response. "Please Ryan..."

"Please what?"

"Never forget me."

Athazagoraphobia is the fear of being forgotten, forgetting or being ignored. I have this phobia because I have lost so many people close and dear to me I couldn't handle it. I have a lot of problems and one other will tell you guys how I've been feeling.

Vanoss And Friends X Reader One-shots{Complete} Under EditingWhere stories live. Discover now