summer visit (p.w.)

328 14 5

word count: 267

•okay so Percy is like really really really excited when you invite him to stay w/ you for part of the summer

•so impressed by your house bc its nothing like the Burrow

•and your room

•loves it more than he loves you

•goes through your dresser drawers

•(its not creepy i swear)

•probably steals a thong or smoothing from your underwear draw

•(that's a little creepy)

•spends countless hours looking through old photos

•"Oh thats *name*, we used to be best friends but she became a bitch"

•secretly jealous of pictures of you and your preschool boyfriend

(we all had one don't deny it)

•you have an old trampoline and a pool out back

•Percy is actually a little scared of the trampoline

•takes about an hour of convincing to get him on it

•hates it

•falls into the pool and panics

•it was three feet deep

•sees the television in your living room

•kind of knows what it is bc of his dad but not really

•"What the...." *hits power button and tv turns on* "OH MY GOD"

•pretty amazed actually

•loves DIY Network and golf

•taking him to a local frozen yogurt place

•takes him 20 minutes to decide on a flavor

•gets 3 different flavors

•probably gets every flavor of boba

•so many chocolate chips

•marshmallow sauce

•spills it on himself

•lets b real y'all probably fuck every night

•really cautious the first night

•maybe shower sex a couple of times

•its like crack to him

•he probably masturbated to your shadow in the shower

•thinks you did not know

•you definitely knew

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