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The plan is now in motion. I can't have any distractions. This has to go perfect.

That meeting was a real wake up call for me. I gotta focuse on the mission and only that. It's gonna be hard at the end but like Jayce told me, I gotta focus on the mission.

It's always been about the mission.

Me and Nique were making our runs for the day. My mind was so occupied that I wasn't really talking to Nique like that. She probably thinks I'm mad at her or something, but I'm not. I'm just focused and mad at the situation.

"Soo, do you wanna do this one to?" She asked from the drivers seat.

"Yeah you can wait." I said grabbing the black bag from the back seat.

I went in the old factory like I was about to do the trade when in reality I'm not. I saw Diane posted on the wall typing away on her phone.

She obviously doesn't know that I just walked in.

I cleared my throat and she quickly pulled out her gun aiming it in my direction. She put it down when she saw it was me though.

"Bruh don't sneak up on a bitch like that." She said putting her gun back.

"You slippin, I didn't creep I just walked in." I said handing her the black bag containing all the drugs.

This is how it's been all day. Nique thinks that I've been doing the trade but really Diane has just been meeting me at the spots and I've been giving her the product instead.

It's all apart of the plan.

"Yeah whatever. Y'all done yet? I'm tired of following y'all around all day." She complained.

"Yeah this the last one. I'll meet you back at the place later." I said leaving.

When I got back in the car Nique was all silent. I think I should clear the tension in the air.

"You aight?" I asked at a red light.

"I'm good. Wassup with you though?" She said not even looking at me. You could hear that she was pissed from the sound of her voice.

I sighed. "It's just a lot going on right now."

She furrowed her eyebrows. "A lot like what? Everything's been going pretty smooth to me."

"Just a lot." I said ending the conversation. So much for clearing the tension, now there's even more.

I hate that I had to be cold like that but if Nique found out about the plan it could be the end of it. And that can't happen-- it won't happen. Not on my watch.

She just shook her head and went back to driving.

Needless to say she's pissed.


I'm pissed.

I just knew me and Michael were moving a little too fast. Relationships are all about communication and Michael can't even open up to me.

Like, really?

The car ride was really eye opening for me. I guess we jumped into this relationship too fast and now he's getting cold feet.

When we got back to the condo I went straight to the bathroom. One I really had to pee, and two it's shower time.

Nice hot showers always help me think.

After my 20 minutes of cleansing I got out, threw on some chill clothes, and laid on the bed in starfish position.

It looks stupid but it helps me relax, so whatever. A few minutes later I heard the front door open then close indicating that Michael left.

I sighed loudly.

I don't even know where he went. He didn't even say goodbye. It's all good though cause I'm finna take a bomb ass nap.

~2 hours later~

I woke up to someone continuously poking my shoulder.

"Wake up."


"Wake up. "


"Wake up."


I shot up from the bed mad fast and tried to backhand whoever it was. Of course it was Michael and of course he caught my hand before it could connect with his face.

He was sitting there smirking or whatever.

"What time is it?" I asked looking for my phone.

"Time for you to get dressed and come with me."

"Oh now you wanna spend time with me?" I said sarcastically.

He nodded. "Yep so go get dressed." He said getting up.

"You  go get dressed." I mumbled to myself as he walked away.

"What was that?" He asked turning around.

"I said I don't even know what to wear." I lied.

He nodded. "Oh. Something formal but not too formal."


Michael ended up taking me to a restaurant downtown. It was nice and the food was good. After we ate it was dark so we walked around a little bit.

The city's so beautiful at night, I just love it.

We were crossing the street when I noticed a car mimicking our moves. I casually glanced back at it.

Black Toyota.

I've only noticed it following us for like two minutes now so maybe we aren't really being followed. I brushed the thought away.

Just to be on the safe side though I asked Michael if we could head back home and he agreed.


We were in bed just talking. I was laying in Michael's arms laying close to his body. Michael is by far the best cuddle buddy.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

I always sensed an accent from him and Jayce but never really thought about it.

"Where do you think I'm from?" He shot back.

"I don't know. Maybe like Chicago or Boston." I shrugged.

He started laughing.

"Really? Chicago or Boston?"

"You said guess."

"I did. But no I'm from New York."

I nodded.

"Ohh that makes sense."

"It does."

I was starting to dose off when he asked me a question.


"Yes?" I answered with my eyes closed.

"If something were to go down and you had to make an in the moment decision, would you drop everything and run with me."

I opened my eyes.

In the moment decision?

"I don't know. It's depends." I answered honestly.

After that I just fell asleep. I don't remember Michael's response.


A short little something. I know y'all been waiting for an update so here you go.

It would be nice if you guys left comments to let me know what y'all think of the story so far.

Also it's summer timee so I'll be updating more frequently.

Thanks for the love and support!

-Dream2Reality ❤

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