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~~~~~Jungkook POV~~~~~

I twist and turn. Well, in my head. I heard every sound in the room, and I thought that was pretty cool and interesting. But not at this moment. Nope, not right now. I wished I should cover my ears.

I listened reluctantly to a girl crying. The image I thought of her, sitting on a chair, bawling her eyes out, was the most horrid thought I've ever had.

Anything would be better. Anything. I didn't want this to continue.

The sobs she made heart my squeeze. I want to laugh.

Who was this for my heart to throb? I know for a fact no one important to me, I would've recognized her cry. Or is she the one I admire? Who is this? Must be my lover?

Of all, I remember.... Gumi. Yes, yes. 'Twas Gumi who was my love. Gumi, my darling, 'tis the day I wake up and come to you. But I can't. A damn injury that was.

When shall this nightmare end? Grant my wish, open up my eyes to see my beautiful girlfriend.

Gumi, I'll make sure you willl never cry from now on.

But the image from earlier came back. The girl crying on a white chair. She looked beautiful. Her  hair was long and had a dark black color. She was gorgeous.

I imagine her face when I awake and kiss her so passionately. Surprised, then crying more.

Hehe, I wish she was real. If she was, she shall be my wife. I love the idea of waking up to a beauty everyday.

I realized the cries had stopped. The sound of a chair being dragged along the floor had sounded. The door swings open and shuts.

The girl had left.

But seconds later, the door opens again. The footsteps sound like the ones that just left. What could she do so quickly?

I'll force myself. I want to see who this girl was. The girl who's crying for me.

I try my hardest of opening my eyes. Nope. Lifing my arms? Nope. Moving at all? Never.

When will I get out?!

Brainwashed | A Jungkook, from BTS, FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now