Chapter 1

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*Vik's Point of View*

Waking up to the sound of my alarm clock going off was the worst feeling ever. I didn't want to get up, I didn't want to go to school, and I didn't want to deal with the bullying. But, sadly, I don't have a choice in the matter. Which really sucks. But, my parents didn't move us halfway around the world for me to drop out of school. So, I've just got to suck it up, and move on, don't I.

Throwing the duvet back, and letting the cold air of my bedroom hit my legs, I gave a little sigh. Time to get ready I guess. Leaning over to the bedside table, and slamming the off button on the alarm clock, I let out another little sigh. Stupid thing. Bringing me back to reality, when all I really want to do is sleep, and dream, and remember all the times that I was happy. But no. Apparently that's not allowed. Sitting up, I gave a yawn and a stretch, before getting off my bed, and heading for the bathroom. I had showered last night, so I only needed to brush my teeth, take a leek, sort out my messy hair, and then get dressed. But I decided to take as long as possible today, because I silently hoped that I would miss the bus and get the day off.

'Vik!' came the sound of my mother's voice, presumably from the bottom of the stairs. 'Lewis and Landon are here. I'm sending them up!' and with that her voice disappeared and the sounds of two pairs of feet thundering up the stairs towards my bedroom appeared.

Quickly sorting my hair, I looked at myself once more in the mirror, before heading out of the bathroom and towards my wardrobe, which was on the other side of the room. As I reached the wardrobe, my bedroom door was flung open, and the two boys shot inside, slamming the door closed and flopping down on my unmade bed. Both laughing hysterically about something, or other. I rolled my eyes at them, and turned my attention to the wardrobe once more, trying to work out what I was going to wear today.

'Come on, Vik! We're gonna be late at this rate!' Landon said, giving a little whine of impatience. That was something that me and Lewis had noticed over the years of friendship with Landon, he was very expressive with how he was feeling.

'Yea, I'm trying to be quick...' I trailed off, picking out a pair of black jeans, and a blue and red checked shirt. 'I'm gonna go put these on, I'll be right back.' I said, grabbing a pair of socks from the pile that lay in the middle of my floor, as I headed towards the bathroom once again.

Ten minutes later, and I was dressed, and me, Landon, and Lewis were sitting in my kitchen having a quick breakfast. And by quick, I mean, cheese and ham toasties that my mother had prepared for us while I was taking my sweet time upstairs. Checking the time, we realised that we had five minutes to get to the bus stop, which was easily a ten-minute walk away from my house. So, thanking my mother for the breakfast, and then running to the door, grabbing my backpack, keys and wallet, I slung the front door open, narrowly missing the new plant that my father had decided to place behind the door, for whatever reason. And darted outside, with my two friends following right behind me, my mother closing the door behind us, as we booked it down the street. It was at times like these I was immensely grateful for my ability to run, as the three of us skidded to a halt in front of the bus stop, panting and slightly sweaty, as we took in the fact that we had made it in time for the bus.

Catching our breaths, we turned to each other and let out breathy laughs. We only had to wait a few minutes for the bus to arrive, and in that time, we had cooled off and caught our breaths, making it so that we didn't look like complete morons getting on the school bus.

'Good morning boys!' the bus driver said, as she took in our appearances. We had had the same bus driver since I'd arrived here in States, and thankfully she understood that sometimes we weren't exactly on time, and she'd wait for us.

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