ch. 25

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 ( Two weeks later & authors P.O.V  )

 They stood in front of a small grave. No one said a word and all that could be heard where the sniffles of the father and the natural sounds you would find in the woods. The little infant had only but a few days but she died knowing who her parents where and that they loved her so much they even went into the hospital with her. The messed up, twisted, killing family will always remember her soft brow hair, bright blue eyes, porcelain skin and her beautiful little smile she gave when her mother came around.

 Haya shook as she looked down at Lilly's grave and pushed the tears back. Jeff on the other hand let all his tears go. It started to pour and the couple stood together. E. jack came out and brought them inside. He sat Jeff down and Haya after. Jeff heard a small weeping sound and snap his head to Haya, for the first time in so long she had made a noise. Haya was sitting against the wall with her knees pulled up to her chest and had her head buried her head in them. She was never one to cry in front of people on purpose. Jeff carefully walked over to her and she jumped up, her feet shoulder length apart, knife in hand, and arms to her side.

 " H-haya...." Before he could say anything she interrupted him.

 " Jeff S-stay back..." With that she sprinted through the door. All Jeff was able to do was stand and watch her run away. The sound of her voice had him stunned and her actions made him stay still.

 ( Haya's P.O.V )

 Everything I saw had hints of shades of green. Green mist was glowing and I didn't think of what I was thinking. Before I knew it I was stabbing a woman in the chest while her husband was calling 911. I pulled the phone out of his hand, hung up, and stabbed him. I left the house and ran as sirens where going off near the house. I did this to several houses, most didn't have children I made sure of it.

 I leaned against the tree I was in and shook. I whispered to myself. ' Why? I did everything you told me to...why? ' I ran my hands threw my white hair and let the tears roll down my bloody cheeks. It was about midnight maybe latter and I was killing sense this morning. I honestly don't wont to go back and see the small grave that waited for me.

 A twig snapped and I fell from the tree. I heard a sickening snap and it wasn't from me. I jumped up and gasped at who it was. A police officer was right there and I had fell on him! I sprinted away with extreme speed. I heard people all around me and flashlights flickering on and off. I spun around freaked out a bit as they got closer. one got to close and I attacked. Everyone was down but one. I killed him as I did the others but a loud sound startled me. A sharp pain pilled my arm as it bled. I turned and leaped at the man with the gun. I hit the ground as I was pushed. Green mist took him down just as everything went black.

 I woke up in the same spot I had fell. The bodies still around me. I was still covered in blood and some was my own. I winced as pain shot through my arm. I got up ignoring the pain and walked myself to the nearby lake. I stripped and jumped in. I bit my lip as the water was not only cold but it stung when it washed out my wound. I pulled the bullet out trying to face the pain. I as I swam around I had my clothes drying where I could see them. I pulled myself out of the lake and got dressed and kept walking. I was within knowing distance of the house but far enough for no one to see me. Like I could run there easily if I had to of chose to, but far so no one can come up to me while I was sleeping and bring me back.

 I heard a small gasp from the bush in front of me and stopped in my tracks. A small face popped out that I knew all so well. I looked surprised and terrified at the same time as I looked into his brown eyes.

 " S-sissy? " He asked as he came out of the bush.

 " A-Alex..." I was attacked by a hug and looked down shocked at his speed.

 " I'm sorry Haya! I'm so so so sorry!! " He cried as he still hugged me.

 " Its fine. But I want you two go to the house and don't tell where I am.." I said as I looked down at him.

 " Uhmm...Jeff kinda followed me.." Jeff came out of the bush as well and looked pissed...

 " Haya....

( Ello guys! thanks for the reads! Over 900!! Ohh meh gawd! Its insane!!! I love you so much! <3 ya!! )

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