Drunken Love

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"Because I think... I'm falling in love with you"

Irene said staring at her client in the eyes but no reaction was seen on Seulgi's face and just stared back at Irene silently. And after a moment, Irene laughed.

"Got you!" she teased.

"You were speechless 'cause you thought that was true, right?" Irene laughed again and Seulgi remained silent watching her client talked like a drunk person.

"It's okay if you like me. No one can resist this beauty" Irene bragged while flipping her hair but Seulgi just responded with a sigh. But then Irene became serious and silent again staring blankly at the bottle of soju.

"Cause I'm really scared of animals. I didn't know that I should push myself to my limits in this line of work" Irene explained the real reason why she was drinking.

"You could just decline it. You don't even need your work right? You're rich" Seulgi surprisingly continued the conversation.

"Hmm. That may be true. But what will I be if I'm not rich? I want people to know me with the name that I will make independently." Irene stated.

Seulgi's point of view

I can feel the emptiness and sadness in her voice as she talks. Tears can be seen forming from her eyes but she still manages to act tough. This brat girl in front of me turned out to be a lonely prisoner because of her family's background but trying to be brave to break free from her own.

"Ms. Bae, Let's go home. That's enough, you're drunk already" I tried to stop her once more but she resisted.

"Oh. I will stop only if you drink this one bottle straight" Irene challenged me but I hesitated.

"Waeyo? (Why?). Then I will not stop" Irene stubbornly said and started drinking again.

'Aish. Forget that she's a lonely person etc. She's a stubborn brat!' I thought to myself. I blew my bangs and just took the remaining glass on her hand and the remaining last bottle of soju on the table and drank it straight.

"Whoa, Dae~bak" I heard Irene reacting but after a few minutes, I could feel my head feeling heavy and started spinning. My visions started to be blurry. My senses became unfocused. I could hear Ms. Bae calling me out but the next thing I know was that I went blackout.

Third person's point of view

Irene put Seulgi's arm around her neck and carried her out of the restaurant. They walked unsteadily because they were both drunk.

"Aigoo. How could you be a lightweight, Ms. Kang!" Irene complained as they reach the car. The driver hurriedly opened the door at the back. Irene shoved Seulgi inside then followed her and sat beside her. Irene ordered the driver to drive them home.

"Yah! How can you guard me if you're like this!" Irene complained sounding like a drunk person while hitting Seulgi's arm. Seulgi was just sleeping soundly at that moment.

As they reach the house, Irene woke up from the nap and carried Seulgi out of the car. She's drunk but still has energy to go to their room. The driver and other guards approached them and offered to help Irene to carry Seulgi.

"No one touches her! She's MINE! *hiccups* I mean.. my guard" Irene stated drunkly as if she's talking while half asleep.

The house staff just followed them to make sure they will reach the room safely and they did. Irene stepped inside with Seulgi in her arms, she shut the door closed and continued to carry Seulgi on the bed. She threw Seulgi on the bed upon successfully reaching the bed. She stared at Seulgi who was sleeping comfortably.

Guarded | Seulrene FFWhere stories live. Discover now