Chapter 8~

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{Zane's POV}

My phone buzzes. Travis looks at me.

"You have to go?" He says as I pull my phone out of my pocket.


L: Sorry to bother you, Zane. It's Aaron. Laurance is having a panic attack and the rest of us have no idea what to do, so I figured you're the best bet. Please help.


I quickly respond.


Z: On my way.


I lock my phone and look at Garroth and Vylad. "Sorry I have to cut this short, but Laurance is.... having some trouble," I say, glancing at Travis who's eyes widen.

"Oh, Enki... You better get going." Travis says, pushing me out the door.

"Right, I'm coming with," Garroth says, practically picking me up, and rushing out the door and setting me in the car.

"I can walk, Garroth!!" I yell at him as he gets in the car.

"Sure you can, just not quickly," Garroth says, buckling and starting the car.

I sigh as he pulls out of the driveway.


I knock on the door, and Aaron quietly lets me in, and I hear small sobs coming from somewhere else in the house. That's definitely Laurance.

"Thank Irene you're here." He says and then notices Garroth too. "And backup...?" Garroth rolls his eyes and nods, and Aaron steps out of the way of the door.

"Where is Laurance?" I ask, and Aaron ((I almost wrote acorn rip)) points to the stairs and I practically rush upstairs, to see Laurance on the floor, sobbing. Garroth stands behind me, and I look at him and he nods, and I go to open the door to the nearest bedroom. Garroth picks him up, and I can just make out a small blush on Garroth's face. ((OH HELL NO GARROTH-- Wait, wait, Garrance. Whoops)) Garroth gently sets him down on the bed, and Aaron comes up with an ice pack, just in case. He extends his hand as I look at the ice pack, and I gently set it on Laurance's forehead and sit down.

"Now what?" Aaron asks, looking a bit panicky.

"Now we wait. There's nothing more we can do until he snaps out of the flashback." I say, folding my hands together and waiting.

{Magical POV switch to my child Laurance, who is in the middle of a flashback}

"GET OUT!!" He yells, the pain searing in my sides once again, as he throws me out into the road. "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!" He slams the door, and I hear the squealing of brakes as a red blur comes closer and closer, slowing down. The person in the car steps out, their face blurred.

"Oh my Irene, are you ok?! Hold on, I'll take you to a hospital." The person says, their voice high pitched.

The woman picks me up, and I can see her face clearly again. Black hair, with sea green eyes.

"My name's Zianna Ro'Meave, and don't worry. I have my son in the back of the car, we were just going to a doctors appointment. I'm sure he won't mind waiting a bit." She says, with a worried smile on her face.

"Thank you, miss." I weakly croak. She sets me in the back of her car, next to a boy with golden hair and bright blue eyes.

"Oh, it's no problem."

My vision starts to unblur, and I see the familiar blue eyes. "He's coming back." The boy says, a smile appearing on his face.

"That's good." A deep voice says in response, and I rub my eyes.

My Mental Help [Zanvis, Garrance, Vylante FF]Where stories live. Discover now