Chapter 17

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Cecilia's P.O.V


that's when it happens.

Brad gazes at me,caressing my cheek and then firmly presses his lips against mine.


My eyes widen as we separate. Before i even had a chance to respond he broke the kiss. My heart is pounding. He kissed me. He kissed me!

"I-i i'm sorry, i shouldn't have done that."  Brad leans his head back against the was and covers his face with his hands. "Oh man! What have i done! Con is gonna kill me!"   I place my hand on his arm, "Brad..." In response his hands slowly drop and looks at me, eyes glistening in the moonlight. He looks like he's about to cry. I smile and place a hand on his cheek. "Celia - what are you -" I cut him off by placing my lips on his. He wraps his hands around my waist and mine are in his hair as we kiss.  As we separate, noses touching, he sighs, "What are we going to do? Connor was so mad when he found out i liked you. He's not going to let you go out with me. If he finds out we kissed, he'll go ballistic."   I sigh leaning against him as his arms wrap around me, "I don't know Brad. I don't know. But we'll figure it out, right."  He smiles, "Yeah, come on! We'd better head back before they get suspicious." 

We head back to the bus and find that the boys are still in their bunks. Phew. Brad puts his finger to his lips and gives me a cheeky wink.  We head to our bunks and go to sleep. All the while, i can't stop thinking about the kiss. It was amazing. There were sparks...fireworks. I'm smiling to myself as i fall asleep.

*The next morning*

I've borrowed a guitar so i can practise. I'm still a bit rusty and i'm trying to remember what i already know. James is having his breakfast and once again Connor and Tristan are on the xbox. Brad walks past and we exchange glances. Whilst the others aren't watching he comes over and whispers in my ear, "We could keep our relationship a secret." He gives me a quick peck on the cheek, "Think about it." He walks off giving me a wink. I blush and look round, making sure the others didn't see. Tristan looks up from his game, "Hey! I know what we should do! Go to a club tonight! Right?"  

Connor nods, "Yeah! I'm down. What about you guys."  James nods and Brad cheers, "So in!"  They all look at me and i bite my lip, i'm feeling a little uneasy about this. They all can sense my hesitation. Connor puts his arm around me, "We won't get drunk, I promise." He looks at the other boys expectantly.  James nods and hugs me, "I promise."    Tristan and Brad then nod too, "We promise!"     

Sighing, i bite my lip again, "O-okay. I guess i-it couldn't hurt."  They all cheer and hug me in turn.  Afterwards, i head to my bunk and flick through my drawings. But my mind is all over the place. I like Brad.  But Connor doesn't want us together.  Brad suggested us dating in secret. But i can't do that... i can't go behind Con's back like that. But i want to be with Brad.  I don't know what to do.  Also why do i feel like something's going to go terribly wrong to night. I don't know why i'm feeling so negative about to night. I don't know what it is but something is just telling me that something will go wrong.

"Hey, Cecelia!" I look up and see Brad smiling at me.  He smirks, "So what do you think? About us, secretly dating?"    Putting my sketchbook aside, hesitantly, i say, "I don't know Brad. Don't get me wrong. You're a great guy, i really do like you. But i-" I sigh, "I don't know if i could do that to Con."    Brad frowns, "Why not?  He'll never know. It'll be our secret. You can't deny the excitement of it."   I nod, "Yeah, it could be fun. The thrill, the danger. But Con is my brother, my best friend. I can't betray him. We've always been inseparable. I don't want that to be ruined." 

Brad looks annoyed, "Con, Con, Con. Why do you always have to do what he wants? Is he all that matters to you? You're your own person, y'know.  You need take control. Who cares what he thinks. If you like someone, why should that matter? You make your own choices. Con just has to lump it."        Now i'm annoyed, "I'm not going to put you before Con. He'll always come first. He'll always be there. I'm sorry but i refuse to go behind his back, regardless of how i feel about you. If you really knew me, you'd respect that. If you truly cared you'd wait!"    Brad sighs and pulls me into a hug, "I know, I'm sorry. I just can't stand it. Not being able to hold you like this when ever i want. Not being able to kiss you, to spend time with you the way i want to. But if  you don't stand up for yourself, you'll always be living in his shadow, never truly being your own person...and that's definitely no way to live." 

Smiling, i reach up and peck his soft lips, "I know...i'll talk to him. If anyone can get round him, it's me. Just give him some time to warm up to the idea, okay?"  Brad smiles, "Okay." He quickly joins the others so he doesn't raise suspicion. So in the meantime, i begin picking out my outfit for tonight.

*In the evening*

I've just finished getting ready and  i join the boys at the front of the tour bus. I'm wearing a pastel blue strapless dress and i'm wearing flats because i cannot, for the life of me, walk in heels. As i head out, i sense Brad's eyes on me and i blush.  We all head to the club. 

*A few hours later*

After avoid a creep for the 50th time, i think it's safe to say, i want to go. Problem is, i don't know where the boys are. Soon i spot Tristan knocking back, what looks to be one of many glasses. H e spots me ad smirks. He tries it on with me and i get away from him, disgusted. I can't believe him. I need Con. So i begin looking for Con. To my dismay, i can't find him, but i do find a very drunken Brad. "heeeey baaaaby." He slurs.  I'm a bit disappointed, he promised! He pulls me into his arms and forcefully kisses me, feeling me up. I push him away, "Get off me!"  He smirks, "I loooove yoouuuu. NOW LOVE ME!"  He grabs me again. But i shove my away once again. But his time i slap him, "LEAVE ME ALONE!"  His expression suddenly darkens and he hits me so i end up falling back onto the floor. He then grabs me and throws me. "you s**t freak. AS IF I'D WANT TO BE WITH A B**** LIKE YOU!"   I'm shocked. I can't believe he'd act like this. I'm frozen with fear as i'm flung into a table of drinks. The drinks stain my clothes and the glasses smash. Everyone is staring and laughing. But i just sit there, frozen, looking at Brad in fear. Tears streaming down my face. But then James comes into view. "Celia!" He runs over and pulls me up into a hug. "It's okay, it's okay." But i can smell the alcohol on his breath. He takes me back to the tour bus. "Stay here, i'll round up the boys before the pass out.  I'm so sorry..."

Once he's run out, i spend the next few minutes crying. They broke their promises and treated me like dirt. I just... i need some space. I can't believe i liked Brad. Now i've seen this side to him. They've broken my trust and really hurt me. Slowly i rise up and grab some clothes. I change into something more comfy and pack my things in my suitcase. Borrowing the boys' laptop, i book a flight.  After writing a note, i take one last look before exiting the tour bus.

I guess this is it.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now