Chapter 1: Introduction

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I've never really considered myself to be all that special you know? Nor do I think I was privileged or held any more worth than the rest of the world. I'm just me, in fact, if you were to ask, I would probably have to tell you that if anything, I feel less privileged, I know I could have done something that day, maybe then, things would have turned out differently..... But no, I'm getting ahead of myself, there's plenty of time for that. As I'm writing this, you'll learn everything you need to know. My name is Makoto Morogato. I had a mother named Anna and I have a brother named Kai Hinata. Our names are different because we were separated at a young age. But again, getting ahead of myself. Let me go back a bit, Like I said, I never considered myself to be all that special or privileged, but the rest of the world on the other hand, they want me and my brother.... Well, maybe that's not quite right either. You know, I've never been good at this so I'm just going to tell the story the only way I know how, from beginning to end, from my perspective... well ok, not to the end, even I don't know that yet, but anyway. Here we go. Stick with me, ok? Although, if you're still reading then I guess, I have your answer.

I was born on August 12th 2266, there was nothing particularly special about that day, except.... Well, that is when things seemed to spiral out of control. Since then I've seen newsreels and clippings of the events, the events that lead up to the days we live in now. The first attack, the day the world realized, there's much more than what they understand, that sometimes, the things in horror flicks or supernatural books and manga, are real. The first attack.... I don't remember all the details, I mean, it happened when I was an infant for god sake, and all I have are reports I've seen on documentaries and old news reports. I'll try to do it justice but, I guess, this is just a warning ahead of time. Ok... enough yammering... oh gawd, did I really just write that, and that? Fine, here goes.

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