Chapter 16.3 - Jackpot

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Izo cautiously takes a single step at a time until she reaches an earthy floor. A bit wary she stares into the dark tunnel that extends deeper into the ground. She was a bit suspicious of a tunnel that was guarded by a monster. However, she really wanted to know, what was at the end of the tunnel. After all, 'twas curiosity that killed the cat.

Without further ado, Izo continues her slow trek across the tunnel before emerging into a garden. The garden was filled with incredibly rare herbs, which were surprisingly well-tended. Who knew that even monsters had hobbies? It was a good fact to know for the future. And with great care, Izo digs up every single plant in the garden. By taking empty bowls from her inventory, she is able to transplant them, before placing them inside her inventory.

Izo had never carried live cargo before, she could only hope the plants would be okay for a few hours inside her inventory. And with her task complete, Izo tiredly makes her way out of the dungeon to find dawn rising over the horizon.

Izo is reminded of the time and glances down at her watch. To her surprise, it's been an entire week since her entering the dungeon. Izo sighs and murmurs, "Liner vs. chaotic time is always a headache to deal with."

Ignoring the time difference, Izo makes her way to a nearby stream. Her teeth clatter as she bathes in the icy waters, before scrambling out and putting on clean clothes from her inventory. Per usual, Izo burns her old items and waits for her hair to dry. The air begins to warm up as she waits and decides to make herself a simple breakfast sandwich. Ironically, Izo eats about a dozen before she feels satisfied.

Despite her hair still being damp, Izo ties her hair up in a ponytail. With care, Izo chants her usual spells and vanishes into the air. On her way back, she spots two more capturable beasts.


Mimicry Lynx (uncommon)

Lynx monster that can mimic the cries of others. Excellent stealth and fighting prowess.

Rosy Bear (uncommon)

A bear monster that can sniff out any herb rare or otherwise.


Overall, the two beasts captured would sell well, especially the Rosy Bear to an alchemist organization. Still, on schedule, Izo reappears a short distance away from the Plasma Plains Dungeon. A dungeon was still dungeon and she didn't see why she couldn't clear this one too since she was in the neighborhood.

Without any warning, Izo enters the dungeon and clears it under a day. The scariest creature, she fought was a troll king, which only needed a few persuasive kicks to be put down. A few hours later, Izo appears back out to find that the sun is setting on the same day. "Not bad," Izo mumbles with a pleased expression as she makes her way to the teleportation ring just outside. Standing in the teleportation ring, Izo clearly says her destination, "Emerald City." The teleportation ring, as usual, glows in an answer and sends her on her away.


A somewhat bloodied adventurer appears in the teleportation ring. The mage technicians look worried for a moment until they realize the dried blood isn't human. The adventurer doesn't say anything, before striding out of the teleportation center and out of the guild hall.


Having made a slight detour at the construction site to deposit the plants at the 5th level, Izo finally makes it home. After cleaning herself up, Izo reheats the leftovers in the fridge to eat. Izo she takes a bite of her lasagna and ponders the situation that had happened in the dungeon.

Izo had only fought Grendel because the pink jelly deemed her necessary to do so. And if so, would that mean she would be fighting more individuals on the pink jelly's behalf? But more importantly, were their others like her, who were the Apostles of an immortal being?

Izo's mind in circles until she was done eating. Too tired to continue to think, Izo places her plates into the dishwasher before heading off to bed. After careful consideration, Izo decides she had enough of exercising for the meantime and would be taking tomorrow morning off. Pleased with her decision, Izo pulls the covers her head and falls sound asleep.


Dolores worriedly returns from grocery shopping to find the Misses had not yet gotten home. It had been little over a week, but Dolores found that she constantly worried about the Misses. The Misses was off on her own, adventuring in a dungeon that could easily kill her. With a frown, Dolores opens the fridge to find that the leftover lasagna is gone.

Dolores swiftly closes the fridge door and heads to the dishwasher. Sure, enough there is a plate, fork, and knife waiting to be washed. With care, Dolores closes the dishwasher shut and unpacks the groceries. Misses was finally home and resting up after the trip. With that thought, Dolores cheerfully but quietly finishes cleaning up before going to bed.

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