chapter 04 • brandon rowland

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pic of Brandon above ^^
This story doesn't only focus on what has happened in the past, but what also had happened to Johnny in the present. Many drama in the present will be coming.


johnny POV:

After reading Kenzie's diary, I biked home. I open the doors of my house, and walk to my room. They probably had dinner without me. I skip dinner now ever since Kenzie's death since I'm busy doing other things.

I sit by the window on the daybed, and I see Mark and Hayden messing around by throwing tissue by Mrs. Winston's house. Since I'm not a bad boy unlike them, I always have an urge to be SUPER JOHNNY! But no, all of that is for 9 year olds. I'm 16!

I see them look at my house, then I see them looking at the window of my daybed. Mark points at the window, triggering  Hayden to look as well. Oh no, what have I gotten into?

They throw a roll of tissue paper, hitting the window. I open the window.

"Please stop annoying me. There's no need to do so." I say, hoping for them to hear.

"We won't take that opportunity Kenzie Stalker." Hayden said

"What about we hang out more often? I'll give you more of my specialties, you seemed to really like it Orlando." Mark said

"I'd rather back off if I were you." I said

"Awww, look at Kenzie's Lover acting all tough?" Mark said

"You're only acting like this because she rejected you." I said, thinking he got roasted.

"Fine then. We're coming over." Hayden said

Oh no. My mom still thinks they're my friends. I never tell anyone my problems except Lauren. Darian will act all big sister and will end up telling my mom. Sometimes I have to pay Lauren so she won't tell.

"Johnny! Mark and Hayden are here for you," my mom says

I hear a knock on my door. I open it, and I wish I couldn't.

"Hey punching bag." Mark said

I ignore him.

"Okay Orlando , lets get this straight. Back off okay? Stop being sensitive lover boy."  Hayden said

"Okay, lets start kicking?" Mark asked Hayden

lauren POV:

I hear a familiar voice coming from Johnny's room, and I think Hayden and Mark are there.

"Okay, lets start kicking?" I hear Mark say

"Yup, surely." Hayden said

I hear hitting. I'm very concerned of my brother. He says he's fine, I know he isn't. I better help.

"Stop it!" I hear Johnny say, punching someone.

I open the door, I see Johnny bleeding, Hayden bruised, and Mark with a bruised lip.

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