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Jacks POV

I couldn't fall asleep. Not at all. Not a little bit. Every time I shut my eyes they flew back open. I have really bad night terrors and I have never told anyone about them even my own mother. I see Finn lying there on the floor and contemplate with my myself for about 10 minutes until I finally come to the conclusion. I'm going to do it I decide. Why not what's the worst that could happen? He says no and thinks I'm a total weirdo... but no! That wouldn't happen. This is Finn we are talking about he is like the nicest person on earth. Okay here I go. "F-Finn?" I croak out. He doesn't respond so I clear my throat and a little bit louder this time say "Finn?" "Yes jack?" He says in this soft voice he only uses for me which makes me feel special. "Can you uh uhm..."  "yes jack?" "Can you come lay next to me? I mean if you want to you don't have to!" I say making sure he wants to and doesn't think this is weird. " "uh yeah I mean of course!" I watch him as he gets up and starts walking towards me. For some reason I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach. I don't know what it was. It was probably just all the popcorn. Yeah that's it. I lifted up the sheet and Finn layed down next to me.

Finns POV

We both sat there just staring at the ceiling lying on our backs for a couple of minutes. I heard jacks breathing grow even and I knew he was asleep. I opened my eyes when I felt something soft and warm touch my side. I realized it was jack and he was hugging my side. I didn't know what to do and I felt sick but I just stayed put. And that is how we fell asleep. Jack cuddled up next to me and my head leaning on jacks.

Sorry this chapter sucked writers block can be hard. But hope you enjoyed anyways! :)

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