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*bump bump*
*bump bump*

Baekhyun stands there frozen.
He can't stop shaking..

'Wha-what is he doing here? Is he now following me to my house? Isn't it already enough what happens in school?'

Question over question. Baekhyun can't believe that Chanyeol stands in front of his door..

"Oh, you." Chanyeol said to Baekhyun.
Baekhyun was speechless.

"What? Are u speechless now?" Chanyeol said with a smirk.

"Wh-Wha-at are y-you doing hee-ere?" Baekhyun asked with a trembling voice.

"Didn't you order something? I think it's this address here."


"B-but how di-id you --"

"Calm your titts midget. I'm delivering the pizza. If you want it now pay. Or I'm leaving." Chanyeol said while rolling his eyes.

Baekhyun still stands there. Not moving a single muscle.

"Baekhyun who is it?" The owl-eyed guy came walking to the door.

"What are you doing here?" Kyungsoo asked Chanyeol with sternly eyes.

'He's here? Isn't he the one that stood in front of me in school?' Chanyeol said in his head.

A sigh left Chanyeol's mouth. "Delivering pizza. Do you want it now? I don't have time."

"Why are especially you delivering the pizza?And didn't they say that it may take to 45 minutes?" A confused Kyungsoo asked.

"Really? Is it an interview now? Pay now or I'll leave." Chanyeol said with a harsh voice.

Kyungsoo is still wondering why the idiot is delivering the pizza.

"Alright. Alright." Baekhyun said. "He-ere your money.." He gives it quickly to Chanyeol and takes the pizza.

Chanyeol took it and left without a word.

"Oh NOO.." Baekhyun said with big eyes as he shuts the door and his back leaning against the door.

"No-ow he knows where I LIVE !! Wha- "

"Hey hey. Don't worry. I don't think that he'll come again to your house."

"You don't know what he has in his mind!" Baekhyun said as he walks frustrated to the kitchen. "Now I-I have to worry in my own house too. Wh-where I should b-be safe. Whaa-wh-what if he comes here when I'm sleeping or-..'' He talks further and further what might happen if Chanyeol comes to his house again and that Chanyeol next time has other plans than just bringing pizza. "I'm not going to eat that. What if he had put poison on it?!"

"Baekhyun don't be hilarious."

"Pf. You can have it then." Baekhyun gave Kyungsoo the pizza.


''I'm not hungry though. So don't worry. I won't eat anything that comes from that dude."

"Baek I don't think that he would've poiso-."

"On which side are you Kyungsoo?"

"What question is that? Of course of yours. But who would do such a thing?" Kyungsoo said with a soft voice. He tries to calm Baekhyun down.

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