Chapter 35: Onto the Jianghu!

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A/n: Jianghu, is a community of martial artists, it more similar to outlaw of societies like the Triads. In this Novel, it is used to describe people who practice the way of immortality.

People who practices Immortality or those who cultivates are called people of Jianghu.


Heavenly Palm Sect 3rd Valley

Inside the Heavenly Palm Sect, there are 11 Valleys which are owned by the Highest ranking elders respectively, while the remaining Valleys are used by the Core Disciples. In the 3rd Valley, a handful of Mansions stood in a chronological order, on the very top of the Valley stood the most eye-catching Mansion, outside of it were Two Koi Fishes statues that were made in the most refined manner! Looking more closely one could see the intricate details on the walls was crafted in the most exquisite manner.

Inside this Valley, one could see a man kneeling on the ground while another man sat on the highest seat.

"--- and that person haughtily rejected my offer." The one kneeling on the ground finished his story, he looked up towards his master. He intently watched his master's face, afraid that he might miss a slight change of his expression.

"Put your hands on the scroll and start the story all over again." His Master flicked his hands, a scroll appeared in mid-air, which then made it's towards Elder Cao.

Elder Cao's face couldn't help but twitch.

Does his Master not trust him?

Okay, he does exaggerate sometimes, but did he really have to pull out a treasure like the Hu's Scroll?

The Hu's Scroll was an artifact invented by the Hu Clan, it is akin to a lie detector in modern times, except the fact that the Hu Scroll would link the story out of your memories, which would then replay out of the scroll.

"In the Dragonsvein Kingdom, I have met a mysterious youth that was either rank above me or carries a treasure that could his rank..." Faced with the Hu Scroll, Elder Cao did not have any choice but to tell the truth.

He had exaggerated his earlier story, hoping that his Master would get offended by that mysterious youth's action! But, alas, his Master was too much of a pacifist!

"Hmm... " His Master answered,

"This Youth's divinity... I cannot see it." His Master said in almost a whisper, but once it entered Elder Cao's ears it was like a thunder inside his head!

Eh?! His Master could not read the youth's divinity?! Not even a peek?! His Master was well known within the world-- I mean within the experts' circle as a Master of Divinity!

He could even take a peak of the Previous Martial Emperor's divinity!!

Elder Cao could feel his intestine turn green!

A/n: In chinese proverbs this ^ Intestines turning Green from Regret (肠子都悔青了 chángzi dōu huǐ qīng le). Meaning: to be completely consumed with regret; Note: The idea is that intestines supposedly turn green in a decomposing body, so this idiom is about figuratively "dying from regret"

Ah! Why did he not persuade that youth to enter their Heavenly Palm Sect! He could have knelt and begged the youth to enter the Sect!!

Elder Cao's face contracted, and with a heart full of regret he left the hall. There is only one thing Elder Cao's head right now, and that was to go back to the Dragonsvein Kingdom and bring that youth into their Sect no matter the cost!!

After Elder Cao left. Hu Mozi could not help but smile,

Alas, it was the time for them, the old ones to retreat and make a path for the new generation!

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