07 | The One With The Feelings

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-M A D H A V   R A M A K R I S H N A-

Ms. Prasad walks along the moon lit sidewalk that leads her apartments. The moonlight that falls on her gives her a milky white complexion and under it she looks like a renaissance statue carved out of moonstone.

A gentle breeze blows past and her untied hair sways to the breeze like a flag. She throws a slight smile at me before disappearing into the building.

"Bhai'saab..." a voice rings near my ear. "Do I smell love in the air, Mr. Romeo?"

"Love?" I ask. He's mad, but he isn't wrong too, nevertheless I don't want him to know. "Are you crazy?"

"It's you who is crazy, Bhai!" Shyam says raising his eye brows at me. "I've been observing how weirdly you've been acting ever since she joined work! You love her, right?"

I stay quiet for some time, ignoring him. He grabs my arm. "It's unfair! You told me that we should never have secrets between us, and now you are hiding something from me. Why do you cringe while sharing your thoughts with me? Is it because you don't like me or is it because you see me as your step brother and not as your real brother?"

"It's not like that, Shyam!" I say as I stretch a hand behind to whack his head. "How many times have I told you not to say such bogus stuff? Next time you say such a thing, I'll make sure to run this car over your tongue!"

He rests his face against the head rest and holds my arm tighter. He's sorry he said that. I haven't told him everything about me. He too, just like Mr. RK and his second wife are unaware of certain incidents in my life that left a deep scar on me. There is only one person who knows everything about me, every second of my past and every little inch of me. Siya Chhabra.

I breathe out and mop my face with my hands.

"Don't tell this to Mr. RK, or to your mother." I take a deep breath and try not to fumble. He leans even forward as if I'm going to tell him a very confidential piece of information.  "You're right, I am in love with Ms. Prasad."

A wide smile conjures onto his face and he's giving me these weird chiding glances. I ignore this dramatic fellow for a while and I think about my Ms. Prasad.

Shree is completely opposite to my personality, she's nowhere near the perfectionist that I am. Yet, I feel a sense of elation and comfort with her.

"She's got magic, Shyam. Some sort of a powerful magic. Whenever she's by my side I feel as if something I lost years ago has found its way back into my life. I have never felt so happy in so many years, Shyam. Her smile. God! That one smile can do wonders! It's enough to heal all kinds of immortal wounds and scars. I never wanted to fall in love with anyone after my first break up, but I fell for Shree unexpectedly within such less time, and I realize it will cost me more than my life to undo it."

Shree is the first thing and the last thing on my mind each and every day. I didn't fall in love for her looks, the way I did with Siya. Shree's unadulterated soul and her phenomenal smile was more than enough for me to recover from the destruction Siya caused to my heart. Shree repaired the damage Siya was responsible for. Her smile simply glued the broken pieces together and made my heart whole again. I fell in love again. With Shree, and this time even deeper than ever.

Falling in love isn't an easy task. It's risky. But I wouldn't mind falling there all over again.

Yesterday was the best day of my life. I spent almost half the day with Shree, the woman I loved the most and Maya, the little girl I hope to adopt as my daughter. Seeing both of them together was probably the most picturesque sights I could have seen in my entire life.

"Does she know that you love her?" Shyam asked as he tugs on my arm.

"I don't think so".

"Do you know whether she loves you?" I shake my head. "Bhai! You need to do something and get all these stuff sorted before her family plans to get her marriage to a stranger. It'll be too late when her marriage is fixed with someone else."

"You know Shyam, Ma used to tell, that every match is made in heaven and God has orchestrated how things are supposed to fall into place for that perfect marriage to take place. If I'm the person meant for her, then I'm sure fate shall bring us closer."

"What if the two of you weren't-"

"If Ms. Prasad is destined to be someone else's, it'll be heart breaking at first. However, I'll accept that fact whole heartedly, because I know she will be happy with the one who is predestined to be her husband!"

Shyam sighs as he holds my hand. I hadn't realized till now that my eyes were brimming with tears.

I wipe them away, and look out of the window. Ms. Prasad opens the door leading to the balcony and walks closer until she's leaning against the balcony railings. She looks down to me, with that heart melting smile playing on her face and waves to me.

My heart develops an uneven heart beat at her sight. A louder and faster beat. I put a smile on my face and wave back.  

To be continued


Bhai'saab- Brother

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-How was this chapter?

-Did you like Madhav's step brother, Shyam?

-What was your favourite part of this chapter?

-Do you think Shree and Madhav are made for each other even despite their differences?

-Will Madhav's love for give him a heart break worse than last time?

-What are your thoughts about Siya?

~~Also go to the cast chapter to checkout the celebrity casted for Siya, Madhav's ex lover. And let me know about your opinions through your comments.~~

The story has crossed 1K reads and 400 votes!

This chapter is dedicated to all the readers of this story as a token of appreciation for your constant support and your love for my works.

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