(5) Cousin Of Who??

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Vilu's P.O.V

When I woke it was 7:35 so I got out of bed and went downstairs and ate some yoghurt and fruit and  then I went back upstairs did my morning routine, blow dried my hair,straightened my hair, did my makeup and got dressed

When I woke it was 7:35 so I got out of bed and went downstairs and ate some yoghurt and fruit and  then I went back upstairs did my morning routine, blow dried my hair,straightened my hair, did my makeup and got dressed

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After getting dressed I put on my shoes grabbed my volleyball bag my purse and keys, said goodbye to Leon and got in the car

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After getting dressed I put on my shoes grabbed my volleyball bag my purse and keys, said goodbye to Leon and got in the car

13 minutes later...

Once I got on campus I grabbed my purse and keys and got out

Julia: hey Vilu

Vilu: hey Julia

Tina: so since its the beginning of our first year we're throwing a party and your friends and you are invited

Vilu: sure we'll come

Julia: sounds good, now what class do you have first??

Vilu: theory of materials

Tina: we have that too

Ludmi: (went over to Vilu) Vilu what should we wear when meeting our godparents??

Vilu: a dress

Jacqueline: thank the gods I have a lot of those

Vilu: of course you do, Ludmi,Jac these are my friends Tina & Julia

Tina: nice to you

Ludmi: nice to meet you too

Jacqueline: aren't you the cousin of Lara??

Julia: (shocked) I knew you three looked familiar

Vilu: what's going on??

Tina: aren't you guys the princesses that stopped Jade??

Vilu: yeah

Tina: did your powers get out of control yesterday??

Ludmi: yeah

Julia: same happened to us

Vilu: before we get off topic again... Your the cousin of who??

Julia: of princess Lara

Vilu: is she here on Earth by any chance

Lara: Julia mommy and daddy let me go to school with you isn't that exciting??

Vilu: (sighed)

Julia: yeah it is (not happy at all)

Vilu: well I'll see you at class

Tina: ok see you later Vilu

Ludmi: well that's interesting

Vilu: tell me about

After the girls and I had our conversation I went to the direction where my class is and I bumped into Leon

Leon: Vilu are you ok??

Vilu: yeah why??

Leon: you look like you want to....what happened??

Vilu: I saw Lara stone

Leon: like ex-girlfriend Lara stone

Vilu yes Leon that's only Lara I saw

Leon: calm down, you get to class and we'll talk about this at lunch

Vilu: fine but if she goes to the nurse its not my fault

Leon: please don't kill anyone on your second day

Vilu: I won't

Leon: ok see you at lunch

I said goodbye to Leon and walked to class.


· I will update later

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- Amani

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