Let the pranks begin

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-After 10 minutes-

Dad- "Allyssa you can come out now"

Allyssa- "Finally"

Dad- "I need to go to talk to Danny. I'll be right back" I said as I left

Allyssa- "Ok" Great now I can do the prank. I grab his laptop and went on to this website that acts as if your screen is cracked. Perfect for my Dad. Then I leave his office and next I went over to Chin office and took his favorite mug and placed it in the microwave. Then I took a picture of Dannys daughter Gracie that was on his desk and hide it in the trash can. Next I took all their badges and hide them in Dannys drawer. I know I will get in some trouble but who cares.

-1 hour later-

Dad (aka) Steve- "What happened to my screen"!

Kono- "What happened Steve"?

Steve- "My screen on my computer got cracked"

Kono- "What"?

Steve- I turned my eyes towards my daughter and said "Allyssa did you......."

Chin- "Hey you guys know where my mug is"?

Danny- "Nope"

Kono- "Sorry don't know. But I do know this I'm going to heat up my lunch" I said as I walked over to the microwave. "Well well what do we have here"?

Chin- "What"?

Kono- "You left your mug in here"

Chin- "What? How?"

Kono- "I don't....."

Danny- "NOOOO"!

Everyone- "What happened Danny"?

Danny- "You know that picture I have of Gracie"?

Everyone- "Yeah"?

Danny- "It's gone"!

Everyone- "Wait? What? How did that happen"?

Steve- "Check your drawer"

Danny- "Nope it's not here. But your guys badges are"

Steve- "What? How"?

Danny- "I don't know"

Allyss- I started to laugh

Dad- "I don't think its funny"

Allyssa- "Yeah it is"

Dad- "Allyssa my office now"

Allyssa- "I didn't do anything"

Dad- "Allyssa now"

Allyssa- "Fine"

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