Chapter 18

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Lucy POV:

I change quickly into some normal every day clothes and then brush Kiko's hair, today we're going to the first floor to try and find out some information about Yui. I braid Kiko's hair and then add some white flowers in a crown around her head. Then I dressed her in a white dress with blue belt, it's similar to the one she had on at Asuna and Kirito's Wedding although not as fancy. I also made some clothes for Yui, I made her a pink jumper and grey skirt.

"Here you go Yui, these clothes are for you." I say passing her the pile of clothes.

"Thank you auntie Lucy!" Yui says taking the clothes in her small arms.

Her and Kiko then walk back into the bedroom and get changed while I help Asuna with breakfast, Kirito and Loke however are still fast asleep.

"Why is it boys always leave everything for the girls to do?" Asuna asks me.

"Oh trust me, I'll got those lazy boys up." I say and walk over to Loke.

He's fast asleep on the sofa with his hair all over the place, Penelope would have a field day with him like this. But me? Not so much.

"Wake up!" I yell at him, he jumps and looks at me shocked.

"Why did you do that Lucy!" He yells at me.

"Because you need to stop taking such long cat naps! I know you would normally do this in the spirit world but you're not there right now, and if you don't get up I'll have Kiko do your hair and you'll have to stay like that all day." I say crossing my arms over my chest.

"Please no! Not that again!" He pleads.

"Then get up." I say hearing Asuna laugh behind me. "You should have Yui do Kirito's hair, make him walk around with pink and blue ribbons in his hair. Maybe some flowers too." 

"Don't think he would ever get his reputation back, instead of the Black Swordsman he would end up being something like the Rainbow Swordsman!" Asuna says just as Kirito walks from the bedroom.

"The girls woke me up, I'm not cut out for this...." He says slamming his head on the dining table, and just like when I did it the sign for immortal object appears.

"Well if you want to find out where Yui came from then you need to wake up, we'll have a lot of ground to cover." I say sighing. "Honestly you and Loke are terrible with mornings, Loke's a lion though so what's your excuse?"

"I'm fighting to free everyone from the game?" Kirito asks.

"Not valid since everyone in this room is doing that, heck I even run a guild and I can still get up early enough!" I complain.

Asuna then plays the peace keeper and tells us breakfast is ready, so we all sit down and eat. I love Asuna's cooking, she can always manage to make the food here taste like stuff in real life. I can do it with sweet flavors but with savory I always end up ruining it. Once we've eaten and washed up everything we head to the first floor, this floor always creeps me out a little since there aren't very many people here. The people on this floor are the ones who couldn't face going out and joining us at the front lines, the ones who still hold onto their loved ones and bury themselves in grief. We all miss our family and friends IRL but it's for them we fight every day. We fight monsters and floor bosses so that everyone can get out, so that we can all be free again, and so we can see our loved ones again. As we walk around Yui sit's on Kirito's back, he keeps asking her if she knows anyone or recognizes anything here. Could there be a problem with her nervegear which is causing the memory loss?

"Give us your money!" I hear someone yell.

"I'll be right back ok? I think there is something going on over there." I say to everyone and then run off.

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