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Finally, Camille has realized the main reason she feels comfortable in a world she doesn't belong to. It's because in here, she's never been touched by the cold darkness that hunted her in Primavera Town. The shadows that used to chase after her can't reach a bright place like the sanctuary. But right now, even though she's surrounded by bright daylight, the darkness wraps around her body as she peers into the Great Goddess's empty soul. Camille is frozen as the memories begin to take form in her mind. The terrifying moment she would wake up in the middle of the night and find the shadows lurking from the corner of her room. Their laughter still echoes in her mind, their taunting call for her to join them. Tears form in her eyes as her heart accelerates with the horrible memories she has forgotten, thanks to the goddess and him.

Thanks to Axl, who has allowed her to stay in his palace. Camille has healed part of the wounds that marked her life. "Your Highness, this is Lady Camille," Azzel voice snaps her back to reality. Camille takes a sudden step back.

"Lady Camille?" She asks with a mocking tone, a gesture that stabs Camille's dignity.

The goddesses stay silent and tamed, tightly holding onto the beasts that seem to react to the dark aura taking over the sanctuary. Zelon stands on guard as a deep growl builds up behind his throat. Lady Eirene takes one step forward, challenging the lion to make a move, but Luna manages to hold him back. "Sit." She orders with an imposing tone that sends chills through Camille's body. She swallows the lump tightening her throat, her gut twirls with terror, but strangely, something in her mind refuses to tremble in front of her. The great goddess measures her determination, which is a sign of bravery that she respects.

"How old are you, child?" The great goddess demands with a tone that rips the answer out of Camille's throat.

"Seven-teen..." Camille answers quietly. She grins with a maliciousness that freezes the rest of the goddesses.

"I am, the Great Goddess of Evil and Death, mother of the God of Water." Lady Eirene announces with a prideful tone that makes Camille's blood turn icy cold. Deep down, Camille can see the resemblance between the Great Goddess of Evil and Death, someone of supreme power and authority, and Axl. Although she's someone who enjoys the fear, she perceives from everyone just by looking into her dead eyes. Lady Eirene grins while savoring Camille's painful memories. Recognizing the unique energy in Camille's soul, a faint spark that captivates the gods and every living creature in this world. "I have to say, child. You are quite a mystery for a simple human." The great goddess notes while she meditates the low chances of a glitch in her plan to manipulate Axl. But the fact that Axl has taken a liking to Camille is a problem for her; if he opts to keep her, it can become a risk but also a chance to finally gain supreme power in the universe.

"Different, indeed." Lady Eirene observes in depths, reaching a hand out towards Camille's face while her ice-cold eyes peer her soul, silently gathering her options. Camille's eyes widen as the cold touch of death crawls beneath her skin. Panic wakes up in her chest, paralyzing her muscles, freezing her nerves. Camille turns pale as the shadows she fears so much dash before her eyes. Paloma becomes alert as the spectrums stretch in the gardens.

"Your Excellency..." Paloma tries but fails as Lady Eirene stops her with a painful blast of cold air that feels like poisoned needles in Paloma's wings.

"It is intriguing to see all of you powerful creatures bend down so concern for a simple offering," the great goddess notes the distress she's causing on the goddesses, and she loves it. Her grin becomes wider and blazing. "A simple offering." She peers the goddesses with command.

"Offering?" Camille turns to the goddesses for confirmation, she glances at Azzel, and his words finally start to make sense. She came into this world summoned by a great god with a mission. As an offering of what?

"Your Highness..." Azzel interrupts, but the great goddess raises a hand to stop him.

"I know my son well enough to know that this girl is not what he was expecting, Azzel. Do not take me as a fool." She answers the servant before he can explain Axl orders. "You see, child. My son lost someone significant to him, someone, that sedated his power and tantrums. Unfortunately, without her, he needs someone to entertain him," Lady Eirene lets Camille see the intense light of hatred her soulless body is made off. An evil smile plays in the corner of her mouth as she takes one step closer. Camille's heart pounds out of her chest, her hands tremble, but she doesn't move at all.

"That's not true..." Camille whispers, trying to convince herself that she's not stupid to believe Axl's act of kindness. Axl wouldn't go as far as he has for a simple offering with his patience and actions to protect her.

"Do not be imprudent, child! You should be grateful to the gods and servants. They pity you enough to treat you differently." The Great Goddess of Evil and Death commands with a persuasive tone. "Different enough to make you believe that he will not throw you back into your miserable world once he gets tired of you," Camille feels how her legs lose strength with the goddess' words.

"Your excellency," Paloma tries one more time, but Lady Eirene is an emotionless being of darkness, the mother of everything evil and dark that happens in every world and galaxy. Her cold glare is full of judgment. She's the master of the evil that creeps on every part of a soul, disabling any movement, sight, and thoughts, turns everything into an empty vessel where she plants nothing but fear.

"You are no different from the many before you. The ones I offer with the simple mission of distracting him," Lady Eirene whispers in a sharp hurtful tone that stabs Camille's pride and dignity, shaking her whole existence and meaning of her life. The thought of going back to Primavera Town terrifies her, to face Steve, her mother, and him. To meet Adam after she's decided to give up on him and take the chance at a different life. A life that turns out to be just as meaningless as the one left behind.

"Your Highness, I implore you..." Luna's hesitant voice interrupts this time. Breaking her role, Luna rushes to Camille's side and wraps her arms around her. Even if this action might be the end of her, Luna takes the risk for Axl's change.

"Do not dare to beg, Goddess of the Moon! Do not bring shame and disgrace to this world for a simple human. I will not tolerate this!" Lady Eirene says, with a commanding tone that shakes the ground as an invisible force pushes Luna's shoulders to the ground to bow down. "I will not tolerate any disrespect for a filthy human!" The great goddess demands of everyone gathering around. Camille's heart stabs as her dignity as a woman slip. Her worth is destroyed by someone she can never disagree with. Not only because of the evil way she's been awakened to the reality, but the truth is so accurate it hurts. Satisfied with her expression, the great goddess decides to deliver the last blow to break her. "I will not hesitate to send you back once Axl grows tired of you. After all, Steve is waiting for you," she whispers in Camille's mind. Making good use of her darkest secrets and the deepest fears, Lady Eirene stands tall and victorious with a triumphant smile as she turns to Azzel.

"I will visit another time," she turns to the rest of the goddesses that quietly watch how she steps on Camille's spirit, walking away escorted by Azzel. Luna helps Camille to her shaken feet, feeling guilty for not stepping up to the fearful goddess.

"I am sorry, Camille." Luna apologizes with sincerity, but Camille is shocked to the point she can't hear anything but Steve's name in the mocking tone of the great goddess. Her darkness and coldness, everything she has feared in her life. It's her. "I think it is best to talk to Axl, personally." Luna pleads as her own heart breaks to see Camille falling in darkness right before her eyes. "I am really sorry." The tiny goddess whispers as she holds her tight.

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