Poem #3

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"As they look into my eyes,
Can they see all my silent cries?
As I whisper in their ear,
Can they see all my fears?
As they listen to my heart beat,
Can they see me take a seat?
As I pull a fake gun to my head,
Can they see I wanna be dead?
As they laugh together,
Can they see I wanna be forever?
As I scream with all my might,
Can they see I'm done with my fight?
As they say "we love you",
Can they see it's just me loving them?
As I fiddle with a knife,
Can they see I wanna end my life?
As they compliment my weight,
Can they see I'm done, mate.
As I tell them about my mask,
Can they see I just want them to ask?
As they talk about their relationships,
Can they see I just want friendships?
As they yell at me to sell it,
Can they see I just want to tell it?
As I go to the mall,
Can they see I'm about to ball?
As they talk to me,
I know they wanna be free.
As I walk in front of a bullet,
Can they see I'm full of it?
As they talk about fall,
I decided to end it all."
I actually kinda like this one. It's not as cringy in my opinion. Although it is sad, I don't know how to help you on that one. Life's sad sometimes 🤷🏻‍♀️ you can't have a rainbow without rain I guess. Till next time :)

Love, your very own broken girl💜
Oh and p.s if y'all are feeling generous, you should vote cause ya love me (jk y'all probably don't but it was worth a shot)

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