Coming Together (Lisa)

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I can't read Lauren's expression as I sit back down. She's slumped over making me think blue but she's tensed up like she's scared of something. The most off part though is the bright smile that I can barely see but it's still there. I am about to ask her but Christina speeds out of the kitchen and no smile is on Lauren's face as she shoots up.

Maybe I imagined it.

Christina has a smile that could light up the entire room though but by Lauren's intense glare at her she hates her, no other way to put it.

I stand up knowing the only way to get answers from Christina is force, "What the heck?" I put my hands on my hips reactionary to my strong voice.

"What?" She sounds innocent enough but that look only works on Lauren. I shake my head telling her I don't believe her act.

"I told Dani to give you a second chance." Christina's smile drops into a major frown. She must have not know before she went in and did whatever Lauren felt guilty for. I use my powerful spill stare at her but the doorbell interupts me.


Christina makes a break for it and opens the door to reveal the last two people I thought I would see, Katherine, and Amy. It's not like Amy even looks cured she looks worse, like she needs to collapse onto the couch under five million blankets.

I barely recognize the girl that Lauren is carrying in her arms. She looks so frail like another tap will break her. Her entire face, at least what I can see of it, is swollen. The thing is that Christina doesn't even have a scratch on her body, Dani didn't fight back. The pained expression on Dani's face makes me believe more than her face is hurt too.

Was Dani just Christina's punching bag?

"You hit your little sister." I yell and as the words circle back to my ear I feel like a total hypocrite.

I picture Lauren's face as she didn't understand why I was hitting her. I put that look onto Dani's face knowing it was along the same line of confusion.

"I didn't mean to?" I didn't mean to hit Lauren but it was still wrong.

"You have control over your hands!" My hands physically shake feeling and picturing the blood on them again. I feel my breathing hitch as I stood over Dani and Lauren's unmoving bodies thinking that both of them were dead. How I left Lauren in the woods by herself. How Dani was as white as a bedsheet.

"So you hit one of them too." I am snapped out of my reminiscing by Christina's voice. It sounds snarky but relieved. She just wants the attention off of her.

That's not normal.

"So Lauren isn't one of our sisters anymore?" I wonder how Katherine knows. She seems to know everything these days though.

"Lauren's coming back." I turn on my heels seeing Lauren awkwardly holding a bottle of ibuprofen and water in one hand with the icepack in her mouth. She doesn't even look in our direction running upstairs.

She cares so much about that girl.

Christina puts the attention back on me, "Dani's scars will heal, but have you seen the side of Lauren's face, doesn't look like that's getting better anytime this century." Does she think I don't know that? Know that hiding under the shirt Lauren is wearing there are more scrapes. Under her jeans her leg is burned gruesomely to the point of it looking not like human skin.

"I hate you!" I yell tears forming in my eyes blurring my vision.

I run upstairs wanting to apologize to the two girls again for everything, "Lauren? Dani?" I knock as I feel the tears stream down my face. I need a hug, and I need it from them. I wait for a couple of minutes putting my weight on the door not able to support myself anymore. I don't know why I thought they would answer, I don't deserve one.

I trudge off into the boys former room barren except for matresses. I face plant onto one of their beds and start sobbing it painful the degree that I am crying.

I wish I never moved out.

Does anyone else feel bad for Lisa?

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