<Ryan In The Bathroom-Ohmwrecker>

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So I changed it from Michael in the bathroom to Ryan In The Bathroom because Ohms name fit so...MICHAEL AND JEREMY LIVE ON!

Heh...I never really liked Christine.

<Ryan P.O.V>

I stepped into the bathroom. I was sweating. "I am hanging in the bathroom at the biggest party of the fall..." I said as I looked in the mirror. "I could stay right here or dissapear
And nobody would even noticed at all..."

I paced around. "I'm a creeper in a bathroom cause my buddy kind of left me alone..." I said thinking about Y/N who was probably talking to Evan.

"But I'd rather fake pee than stand awkwardly or pretend to check a text on my phone. Everything felt fine...when I was half of a pair." I pulled out my phone and went into my gallery and stared at a bunch of pictures of me and Y/N.

"Now for no fault of mine. Theres no other half there!" I said as I sat on the edge of the bathtub. "Now I'm just...Ryan in the bathroom...Ryan in the bathroom at a party...Forget how long its been I'm just Ryan in the bathroom...Ryan in the bathroom at a party. No you can't come in! I'm waiting it out 'till its time yo leave...I'm picking at grout as I softly greav loud I'm just Ryan in the bathroom." I said as I started crying knowing Y/N has forgotten about me by now.

"I am hiding but shes out there just ignoring all our history...Memories get erased and I'll get replaced with a newer cooler version of me..." I said the tears running down my face.

"Ryan in the bathroom....at a party...As I cgoke back the tears. I'll wait as long as I need until my face is dry...or I'll just blame it on weed or something in my eye! I'm just Ryan who you don't! Ryan flying solo! Ryan in the bathroom by himself!" I cried out. There was knocking and it kept getting louder. "Oh hell yeah I'll be out soon!" I called out as the knocking just got louder as they started turning the door knob but the door was locked. I throw some water in my face. And I am in a better place. I go to open up the door...but I can't hear knocking anymore.

"I wish I was back home in bed! Wish I was never born! I'm just Ryan who's a loner! So he must be a stoner! Rides a Pt cruiser, God hes such a loser! Ryan flying solo! Who you think that you know! Ryan in the bathroom by himself!" I cried out as I punched the mirror above the sink.

"All you know about me is my name...Awesome party I'm so glad I came..." I said my hand bleeding. I unlocked the bathroom door just in time to see Y/N leaving with Evan...I growled and walked outside driving home.

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