Episode 133 - Start of the Special Exam

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It's Friday, the last day of Muni entrance exams. It is time for the last exam of the day - Special exam. Kiel and Elaru make their way towards Sapphire Quarters where the special exams will take place.

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"And if I reach the top, the credentials of being a top quest seeker might be enough for me to be accepted into the Purge."

Kiel's face turned cold. "But my father and grandfather thought that as a Rroda I should be managing quest seekers, not being one. That would be quite unbefitting of my status. Father intended for my aunt to bring me into the business of managing the quest lodge."

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Episode 133 - Start of the Special Exam

Kiel felt a soft tug on his arm towards the direction of the elevator. "Look. That guy is going to the fourth floor too. Maybe those artifacts he is moving will be in your spell replicating exam?"

"Mmhmm..." Kiel murmured his husky confirmation but made no steps towards the elevator.

"Don't tell me you are afraid of elevators?" Redhead's long eyelashes fluttered in confusion, giving her soulmate an inquisitive look.

"Of course not." Kiel snapped irritably. As if he would be afraid of such a thing. It's not like it would burn him if he used it. He couldn't even fall to his death due to his ability to fly. What was there to be afraid of?

Other people might feel intimidated by the novelty of such a modern device and be afraid of making a fool out of themselves, but that was them, not him. He just felt that as a capable argel mage, using a device made for elibu would be a blatant squandering of mana crystals used to power the elevator.

And also, flying by his own magic gave him more sense of control and security.

Her large teal orbs inspected Kiel's face curiously. "I see."

Strangely enough, she showed no signs of teasing as she asked: "Then, have you ever used one before?"

Kiel swallowed down a reflexive retort of "Naturally." And instead gave her a condescending, as-if-a-person-of-my-status-would-be-ignorant-of-such-a-thing look.

Instead of giving him a smug smirk and calling him out on his lie, she chose to play along.

Her face bloomed into a stunning smile that caused Kiel to reflexively shield his eyes from the eye-poking brilliance. Her ponytail swayed left and right excitedly, as if it was a wagging tail of a cute furry creature, tempting one to touch it. Her long ears perked up as if she was a little mischievous vulpy and her already large eyes widened even further, directing their warm gaze towards Kiel.

"Awesome! Then, let's use it together!"

Her melodic, warm voice got stuck inside Kiel's ear like a catchy tune. His heart almost jumped out of his chest and he barely avoided choking on his own gulp.

Why are you looking at me like I am a cute little puppy?!

Worst still, how come that look had a strange empowering effect on the target of the gaze? Making one feel important and capable.


Seeing those large eyes that practically sang "cute~ like~ happy~", combined with her warm aura as the background music, Kiel's curses got stuck inside his throat. Instead, a soft pink tinge spread over his cheeks.

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