The Festival

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Day one, seventy-two hour remains.

The day the moon's face looked insane.

The townsfolk worked until the festival,

The town's millenium festival.

The musicians and constructors work as the children play.

Everyone is happy night and day.

No one could see the darkness that was lurking.

Only the mask salesman knew what was happening...

Day two, forty-eight hours remain.

People still working and keeping sane.

The moon is getting closer and closer.

As time feels slower and slower.

It started raining this day.

Workers working harder for the pay.

One of the children asks the mask owner

"Is the moon falling? Is the world become crazy?"

And the mask owner smiles and says

"Is the moon falling? Maybe..."

The Final Day, just twenty-four hours remain,

The town waits for the final hour.

The moon is close as ever.

Close to the clock tower's lever.

The ground shook as the townsfolk cheered.

The moon was getting closer, drawing near.

Everyone cheered and cheered.

The little boy grew with fear.

The moon crashed into the Earth on the final hour.

The boy feared the end in the corner he sat.

The mask salesmen walked to him, face with a smile of sadness and sour.

He sat with the boy and carressed him with a soft pat.

The boy looked at him and asked,

"Why did the moon fall? It crashed and sat-"

The masked salesmen interrupted with an evil smile and said,

"You shouldn't have done that..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2012 ⏰

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