Chapter 19: Get Used To It

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"We're nearly home. Be there soon. Love you Pookie!"



Yes. I know. We went over time. My Aunt would not stop talking, but we still love her. Pulling up into the driveway, I carry the sleeping Toby through the door and up to his bed. Stroking his soft blonde hair, I kiss his head "Sleep tight bud". I gently close the door behind me, and head down the hallway to my apartment. Tapping lightly on the door, I enter the apartment to find...

It empty?

"Liza?" I call, wondering down the hallway, checking my bedroom. "Liza, where are you?" I call again. But she's not there. Heading back out into the hallway and make my way over to the bathroom. "Liza, c'mon out. It's just me" I say calmly as I push the door back.


"If you're mad, I'm sorry we were late! You should've gotten my text" I say, but still nothing. Taking out my phone, I call her.

Ring ring. Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Hello? Liza! Where are you? You're no-"

"Ha! Sike! This is the answer phone! Sorry, I can't come to the phone right now, but leave a message at the end of the tone!"


"Liza, where are you? I'm about to call the police! I-" something catches my eye. A note sitting on the glass table. I end the call, and carefully step towards the note.

"Dear David,

I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore. I've been thinking and I just can't be with you. I never loved you. I don't ever want to see you again. Don't come looking for me at school 'cause I won't be there.

For my happiness, and my freedom. I had to go.

Goodbye Forever.



I pick up the note in my fingers, my heart shattering into a thousand pieces. She's gone? My hand runs along my collar bones in search for a chain. Lifting the thin chain up out of my shirt, resting the half heart in my hand. Turning it over, it reveals the "d >". "d x l" can't be complete without Liza's half. My eyes well up with tears. The only girl I've ever genuinely loved, gone. After what she told me the other night? I'm so confused!


The door creaks open. I slowly peep my head around. "Honey, are you ok? Why are you crying?"


"Liza's gone." I mutter, gesturing to the letter. Mom takes the letter out of my hands "I'm sorry honey. I'm not sure what to do. Do you know where she would've gone?" I shrug "probably back to the foster home" I mumble. Mom slams the note down "she's in foster care?!" she exclaims. I look at her shocked face and nod. "David, she shouldn't have left! By law, she has to stay at the house until she's been adopted. She did the right thing for herself by returning home" my stomach begins to bubble in rage. "No!" I shout. Mom is shocked. "No! It's not! Going back there is the worst thing she could've done! Do you know what they do to her there?" Mom shakes her head as I clamp my hand over my mouth. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to shout" I say, calming myself down. Mom places her hand on my shoulder "How about we go to the foster home in the morning and see if we can get her to stay with us, okay?" I nod my head in agreement. "It's been a long night, you should get to bed" I nod, sniffling back my tears. "Yup. Night Mom" I say, pulling her into a soft hug, "I love you too Honey".

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