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wow it's been a smooth minute since i wrote you something. i guess the first thing to say is that i love you so so so much baby. you really are my everything, never doubt that. you make me so happy without even trying when no one else can do that. you're so amazing without even trying and you do something every single day that makes me fall in even more love with you than i already was. 

we've almost been together for 6 months but for real it feels like i've been with you forever now. you make me lose track of time so easily and i love that about you, but you know how i already procrastinate doing shit so that doesn't always work in my favor but i still love you nonetheless. 

you're always there for me when i need you and sometimes even when i don't want you to be, but i love you so much for that. you're always by my side (we're partners in crime). 

you stay on the phone with me for the first half of my day, literally. like you stay on the phone with my until 4th period and there a re 8 periods in my day. when i walk out of the door most days i call you and walk to school through those crazy hallways. and usually i get really nervous and anxious just to walk through the hallways (ik there's really know reason) but i just feel like everyone is watching me and you know how i am about that. but with you i calm down and just focus on your breathing to calm me down and walking cause we both know how clumsy i am sometimes and i would be the first one to fall and face plant into the ground in the middle of the hallway then all eyes really WOULD be on me. 

We fall asleep together every night with me either watching nick jr or scooby doo. it may sound weird to other people but you listen to me breath while i sleep, but they don't know that it's your way of making sure that i fell asleep okay and i'm not having any nightmares. i appreciate that so much babe even though that also means that you sometimes hear me talking in my sleep and idk what i be saying in my sleep. 

idk what made me write this rn. i'm just kinda bored and i'm waiting for you to get out of the store so i can fall asleep. i finally picked out my outfit even though i still need to paint my nails. but that shouldn't be that hard now that they're short now. 

whenever you call me i have to take 3 deep breathes before i answer you to calm my heart down. you make my palms get all sweaty and shit. 

ouuuu and also when you get jealous when people say i look cute at school tbh idrc. i don't dress up or try to look cute for anyone but myself or you baby. you're really the only person i ever try to impress. and from the sound of it, it doesn't take me doing a lot to actually impress. which makes me love you even more.

consider this your good mornin' text too btw cause idk when you're going to see this i might tell you to check wattpad, or i might not or you might just end up seeing it without me even telling you. 

but frfr idk what else to say but i love you and i might try to start doing these  ore often than i actually do so look out for that babe. but for now yeahhhhhhh

i love you babe                                                                                                                                                                       i love you more                                                                                                                                                                      i love you most                                                                                                                                                                        i love you mosterestrestsfbsedousbhouefboebfapoiwebgpiwebnpgiaergbpiwefbgaeigbeipogbrjhgbibidbi

jennifer i love you💕

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