Behind the Mask - Link

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November 6th Update: I'm not sorry. I just wanted to put this picture in. Ernjer

Requested by Danmed007

A cold wind from the dark night blows a chill down my neck. It's nearly a blood moon, so I'm always more on edge and skittish when it's that time. 

"Do you think I could have some of your hair?" Kilton asks me. 

"What? Why?" I ask shortly. No matter his reason, I'm not gonna let him have any. 

"I would like to study your hair, for you are part monster, are you not?" He says. Oof, that hit the nail on the head. I am apparently a distant descendant of a Lynel... Don't ask me how that is. My grandparents may have accidentally drank Lynel Blood. What do I know? They're long dead.

"Shuddup, I'm not monster. I'm normal," Haha, lies. I'm not normal, and one couldn't convince me anyway. 

"Well, explain your teeth and those small horns on your head, then?" Kilton points innocently.

Yes, I have extremely small horns like Lynel horns. But I have a hood that covers them. And can't forget my teeth, as people always mention. I hide my face behind a mask in the hopes that no one will question me. But the occasional annoying person manages to pull down my mask and get a glimpse inside my mouth. Yep, I got these pointy ole fangs. They're good for slightly intimidating at wolves when I get attacked by them. 

 I slam my hand down on the wobbly counter in frustration. "I told you, I'm normal!" 

I'm actually so wrapped up in frustration at Kilton that I don't notice a person come up behind me and tap me on the shoulder. 

"BLOODY HECKING HELL!" I screech indignantly while jumping. "What?!" 

The person backs up, their hands in a surrender position, signifying that they don't mean any harm. I drop my guard knowing this person isn't gonna attack me. I hope.

"Ahh, Link! Welcome back. How can I help you?" Kilton says from behind me. I nearly forgot he was there. Hmm, the name Link is familiar... Where have I heard it befor—

"Link, as in the Hero of Hyrule?" 

The person nods their head. Link was meant to be a guy, so I guess this person is a 'him'. He removes the Master Sword from his sheathe and shows me. Ooh! Shinnnyyy~ I guess I looked skeptical if he had to show me the Master Sword.

"Woooah, you got the Master Sword. Cool!" I say, still watching it as he sheathes the sword again. I have a bit of a stupid grin on my face because I got to see the fabled sword in person. 

"What's your name, since it seems you know mine?" Link asks. Ooh, he's got a nice voice too. I reply, saying my name is (Nm).

"(Nm)? That's a nice name," He says. I grin a little bit, flashing my teeth. 

Link tilts his head to the side. "Your teeth? They're like fangs... And you have small horns, too," 

My stomach drops. HOOOOOLLLYYYY CRAPPPP, I FORGOT TO PUT MY FRICKIN' MASK AND HOOD BACK ON. I quickly scramble to put them back on my face. Now he's seen me, I don't want to see him again. Even if he has the Master Sword and seems really cool and stuff.

I quickly dart off into the black of night. My dark (F/C) clothes make it hard to spot me. I can hear Kilton yell after me that I "forgot to pay for my monster extract". I'll pay next time. A strong gaze also follows me until I curve up a dark mountain, it eventually leaving me. I slow down to a walking pace, mainly because I'm really out of breath. I love darting around like that in the night though. I feel like a ninja. 

I feel kinda bad for taking off like that. Finding a small perch on the mountain, I kneel and watch as the two people exchange the unofficial currency. Link put down Hylia knows how many Mon coins on the counter as Kilton scoops it back up. I wonder where Kilton stores his Mon? In the balloon? But I'm getting distracted... I shuffle slightly closer, and typical...


I step on a mysteriously placed twig. Great job, (Nm). Kilton hears me, points in my direction and screams. Link looks over in my direction, expecting me to be a monster, but instead he knows it's me. WHAT THE HECK?!

"Is that you, (Nm)?" He says, approaching the foot of the grassy hill. I shuffle back up the mountain a little bit, trying to conceal myself in more darkness. 


Link reequips a flame sword and holds it out in front of him to provide light to get up to me. I try and scramble away, but slippery leaves prevent me from doing so. I just slide down the mountain, back down to Link. 

"Oh, hey there," I say, not changed positions from me trying to climb up. 

"Hello," He replies and puts his flame sword away. "You don't have to run away from me. I've met all kinds of weird people. Being the hero and stuff lets ya meet some real odd ones,"

I stay silent, a light dusting of worry on my face as to what he might say next. 

He leans in a little bit closer and whispers, "Bit like Kilton down there," He points over his shoulder. Kilton notices Link pointing at him and he smiles a dumb smile and waves. He really is weird, now that Link mentions it.

"So honestly, I don't think you're weird. Compared to other people I've seen, you're quite normal. And quite pretty at the same time," He says, almost winking.

A slight blush covers my face. Thank Hylia I put my mask on and it's dark. "Are you flirting?" I say flatly. 

"I dunno, am I?" He smirks. (O o f, that's such a typical verb for fanfiction.) "Anyway, I say we get down. It's about to rain—" a small raindrop hits my nose. "—and you're going to fall—" I slide down a little bit, the wet leaves from before makes me lose my grip. "I don't think that'll be very good if you fall," He finishes.

"If you were just flirting with me then don't you think you could just catch me or something like that?" I ask. I mean, it makes sense in my head. 

"Well sure. I just want to get to know you better, y'know. I think it's pretty cool how you got fangs and small horns," He thinks it's pretty cool? Everyone I've met have said it was gross, horrifying or just down right weird. 

"Thanks," I smile. "Also just a thing to say, monsters don't attack me. I guess I can be useful and raid Lynels when they're not looking at you," 

"That would be very helpful, actually. I could stealth strike them while they follow you around!" Link looks excited about a random future battle plan. 

"Whatever you say," I laugh. 

I guess being 1/8 monster isn't so bad. 


I'm so sorry for the terribly slow updates as per usual. I've been busy with school and my life is just a complete mess. My family is kinda in shambles because half is on the other side of the country because of personal reasons and I have Karate grading on top of all that. (I'm going for my red belt).

But (the day this got released) the weekend is approaching fast and so I can get back to writing my trashy fanfiction. Later y'all.

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