Part 1

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Dauwn and I rain outside with some honey and a bouquet of flowers-before upo died he told ud that if we caught a fairy when we turned 18 one of us would be granted with great riches.So we belived him and we went out to find our fairy.We  searched  the forest our back yard the park everywhere our child legs could take us finally we came upon a spot near a waterfall in the Forrest and we laid the flowers and honey on a stump and waited behind a near by tree.Hours later a small creature with brown hair and green eyes that sparkled when the water reflected the creature sat upon the leaf of the biggest flower and flattened out its dress and closed its sparkling eyes. When Dauwn and I were sure the creature was asleep we went up and put it in a bug catching kit.With our captured fairy we ran back to our cottage on the base of a mountain.Opa looked amazed that we had successfully managed to catch the small creature Dauwn passed the kit to me and I took the fairy to my room and opened the lid the tiny creature hesitantly flew out its wing seemed damaged so I took it in my hands and flattened out the wing . It seemed to be thankful for it nodded at my gesture. I wondered if they could communicate with me anyway so I gave it a small feature and a shot glass full of ink. The ink container stood an inch above the fairy but nevertheless it wrote on a paper I had lying around, it wrote

      My name is Joli Stellison and you took me from my home land;I noticed that you-human-keep calling me,"it",I can assure you mortals that I am a female

She had a very fed up expression glued onto her face after she finished writing. I  noticed her brown hair fell down to waist length And went in the front of he green knee-high dress she was very pretty if only she were human. Joli noticed something was wrong and flew up to my shoulder and sat the green boots she wore fell off as soon as she kicked. I smiled softly

,"I'm daiki nice to meet you Joli," I said shaking the smaller hand. She physically calmed down as I did that.

,"The girl that was with me was my sister-Dauwn-if you were wondering," I said
She just nodded I saw her yawn and decided to give her a tissue so she could sleep.I saw her green eyes close and the moon that now sat in the sky told me it was time for me to sleep too.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2017 ⏰

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