Chapter Twenty-Two

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Once David had finished eating the food Horst had prepared for him, he was assisted by Brad to lay on the sofa near the fire.

"He will slowly come back," Horst said to Brad, gently placing his hand on the young man's shoulder. "Tomorrow after his sleep he will know you again."

Brad just nodded. He adjusted the blanket around his best friend, and stretched his legs out for his much-needed sleep.

Crissa stood by, speechlessly. She felt much concern for him also, especially since he was now in what appeared to be in a distant and unconscious state. How would he see her, if and when he awoke, she wondered? Would he have the same feelings he once had, coming back from this heightened period of the curse? As she moved closer and looked upon his handsome, and now sleeping face, she felt compelled to kneel down and comfort him. But Brad seemed protective. He did not let her touch him, willing himself to spend the night looking over his recovering friend.

"What will he be like, Brad," she asked. "When he . . . comes back to us?"

"I don't know. But I will be here. At his side. I have a responsibility, Crissa, to get him safely home . . . regardless of what this madman of a professor we have wants for him."

"Do you live near him? Back in Alaska"

"We both attend the university there. But live in separate towns. He commutes by motorcycle. I live nearer he campus."

"What about his family, Brad? How will they ever . . ."

"His mother. He only has a mother there. She's . . . well, I'm not sure. He never told me much about her. Seems they are distant. He'd spend most of his time on or near the campus. He got back and forth on his bike."

"Does he have any brothers or sisters?

"No. Told me once he's the only child. He's gotta a great heart, you know. A really good guy. And then this shit happens to him. God!"

The two of them were looking down at his face in the firelight.

"Look, Crissa. It's almost morning. You need to get some sleep. I'll stay here with him. He'll recover. At least that's what Horst says. It's been a devilish night. Go now. And get some rest like the others."

Crissa nodded in agreement. As she reached down to touch David softly on his bare shoulder, Brad stopped her again from making contact with him. "Go, Crissa," he said sternly. "Just give him time."

As she walked back to the stairwell and began the ascent to the rooms, she could not stop a sudden outpouring of tears. They came as from the release from the emotional impact. A reaction from the whole long night and seeing David now in what seemed a vegetative state.

Staying in her clothing and lying on her bed, Crissa pulled a blanket over her and felt her body finally attempting to relax. She began to drift once again into a dream:

* * *

The door opened, but she was back at the posh hotel in Berlin. It was Julie, as she had remembered her—vibrant, and entering the room smiling. And there behind her was David, also in good spirits and looking as healthy as ever. As they approached her bed she could see David's hand on Julies shoulder and then around her waist as Julie spoke.

"Hey sleepyhead," she exclaimed playfully. "It's airplane day! Time to get back to our world. Are you packed and ready to go?"

David was smiling down at her, still holding Julie close to his body.

"Come on Crissa," David weighed in softly with his irresistible voice. "They're taking us to the airport in about an hour. Canada awaits you. You'll have some great stories to tell at UBC in a month about this trip, right?

Crissa sat up in her bed. She did not know what to say. She was too disoriented and concerned by the image of Julie now with her head affectionately on David's shoulder."

"Are you two . . . really OK?" she finally asked, bringing the blanket up to modestly cover her chest and neck.

"Yes, Crissa," Julie beamed. "We're fine. There were some tense moments and unexpected outcomes from this trip . . . which we've had to accept." She looked into David's eyes. "But life goes on, right?"

Again, Crissa was in disbelief and could say nothing. She just kept staring at David and how content his face looked with Julie in his arms. It was such a contrasted demeanor from the distant and vacuous stare which he had shown her and Brad as he lay comatose before the fireplace.

"Well, you better be ready to roll, girl," Julie finally said in her characteristic bossy way.

"See you in the van, Crissa," David said in a distant, unattached way. He released Julie and left the room, ostensibly to get his things together for their long flight home.

When she was left alone with Julie, Crissa fought back her tears, unable to speak or even get herself out of bed.

"So," Julie said, Moving closer to the edge of the bed. "I guess things have turned out pretty different than we expected when coming here, huh?"

"Yeah. Really different," was all Crissa could say, wiping the wetness from under her eyes.

"Look, girl. I've known Dave for a long time. And though I always wanted it . . . I never thought anything would ever happen between us like this. But . . . it just did. OK? And now we have a reason to make it last. A reason no one back home will ever understand, alright?"

Crissa just nodded silently in agreement.

* * *

The dream suddenly dissolved with a loud knock on the bedroom door. Followed by the entrance of Mary and Josh.

"Hey Crissa," Mary said in her usual unobtrusive voice. "We're having a meeting at breakfast this morning. To discuss and decide a few things."

"Like what?" Crissa asked, sitting up. "Is David OK?"

Josh then spoke, with also a cordial tone to his voice.

"Well, David has recovered pretty well this morning . . . thank God. And as you know, we're scheduled to leave the village tomorrow for Berlin. And then on to our flight home."

"But, with Julie still not retuned," Mary added. "we've been asked by the professor to all meet. Over a late breakfast the dining hall to make some . . . decisions."

"Decisions?  What time is it?" Crissa asked, looking out the door for some sign of daylight.

"About eleven-thirty," Josh answered.

"My God, so late?"

"You needed your sleep, Crissa," Mary's responded.

"And so you say . . . David is . . ."

"He's up and talking. Seems he's alright."

Crissa sprang from the bed. "Just give me minute to wash up in the bathroom. I'll see you both downstairs."

"Alight," Mary replied, joining Josh as they left the room.

After tending to her bathroom needs, and washing up, Crissa brushed her teeth and combed out her long auburn hair, making herself as presentable as possible in five minutes. She then bounded down the stairs where she saw at a distance the group of young researchers along with Dr. Dekker, sitting around their celebrated guest—a now dressed and tired looking David.

She wondered with intense anticipation while approaching, what subtle message would be alive in his eyes, as they would inevitably meet hers.

* * *

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