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The stadium echoed with the angelic voices of the five best friends. They were singing their greatest hits as they watched over all their fans, who were in hysterics, dreading the speech that was soon to come. These were the fans who had helped them on their journey, the fans who were the reason they got to be here on this stage and living their dream. This was their last concert, their last concert as a band… well for now, until they got bored of the break and decided it was time to be The Wanted once again.

“We're glad you came.”

At last, the final words of one of their biggest hits was sung by all five members, along with the thousands of fans in the sold out stadium. Tears fell from the fans’ eyes, as they shook and weeped, unable to keep it in anymore. Tears from all the memories they had made together over the past 4 years. They continued to cry, all their emotions and heartbreak pouring out.

“Thank you, TWFanmily, for being there for us through thick and thin. We started off as five guys singing on school stages and we never dreamed we’d be here only four years later selling out stadiums. It’s all down to you guys, we wouldn't be here without you, without your support and dedication. We will always remember each and every one of you who came to see us, who helped us win the People's Choice Award for Favorite Breakout Artist. It has been the most incredible journey of our lives. The memories we've made over the years are memories that will never be forgotten by any of us. You guys are best fans we could have wished for and words cannot express the love we hold for all of you. You will be in our hearts for eternity and we hope to be back with you all as a band soon,” Max spoke into his microphone, trying to hold back his tears, but finding it pretty hard to.

“We all love you so much from the bottom of our hearts and we will always be your strengths,” Tom said, wiping the tears that had already fallen on to his cheek.

“We will still be here for you guys, through your ups and downs. Tweet us, meet us, do whatever you can to ensure that we can put a smile on your faces when you're feeling down. We will remain as friends, as brothers, until the time comes and we will be The Wanted again,” Siva said, blowing a kiss to the audience.

“Don't worry, this isn’t a goodbye because we will be back. This is not the end. Love you all and see you soon,” Jay explained, making it clear to everyone and subtly addressing the recent rumours.

The boys stood together in a single line, facing their fans. They put their arms around each other and wiped the few tears which were now trickling down their cheeks. Looking round at each other, they knew it was time. They bowed down in front of the audience.

“Thank you for everything, TWFanmily. We can't wait to return and make some more memories with you,” Nathan said into his microphone, trying to keep his voice as straight as he could keep it.

It was time to go. The fans slowly made their way out of the stadium, holding on to each other for support as they cried their eyes out at the loss of their idols for an unspecified amount of time. The five boys made their way back to their dressing room, changing out of their sweaty stage wear and into more comfortable clothes, ready to go back to their house and pack, ready for the time where they were to split and go in different directions.

The ride home was silent. There wasn't much to say.

Once they got to their home, each boy went separately to their room to pack up their things. None of them spoke as they filled up their suitcases with their things and the items they had collected from fans over the years. As they walked in and out of the different rooms, collecting up their belongings, they chose to ignore each other’s presence in the house. They planned on leaving the difficult and heartbreaking goodbye for later.

Hours passed and they had finally finished packing their things and were at the front door of their shared house. In all their eyes, tears were present. A few had slipped and were falling gently down their cheeks. Nareesha and Kelsey were by their side, comforting all of them. They then left to their separate cars to give the boys time to say goodbye properly. After all, no plans had been made for The Wanted’s reunion. Although the boys never did mention it, none of them were completely convinced that there would even be a reunion. It all came down to how successful their solo careers were, they supposed.

At first it remained silent, they were all slightly stubborn and couldn't really handle what was happening. Them falling apart and taking a break for, what could turn out to be, a long time and not being able to see each other. It was unbearable for all of them.

But Jay, being the peacekeeper that he’d always been, decided to be a brave. He walked up to all the lads and pulled them all into a group hug, in which all of their emotions and tears fell right away.

“I’m going to miss you guys, so much. You're my brothers and I couldn't have asked for better people to come into my life,” Siva whispered to all of them and they all nodded at the same time.

“One day, we will see each other again and will get back as The Wanted. We have promised the fans that and we can’t break that promise to them. They would be heartbroken if we broke it,” Max said.

“This isn't goodbye just yet. It is see you again,” Nathan spoke, wiping his tears away with his palm even though they were still hugging.

After their arms eventually got tired, they reluctantly broke the hug and then hugged each other individually before wiping their tears and giving each other one last quick group hug. This was a moment they had never dreamt would happen when they met in the cafe for the first time with Jayne, 4 years ago. Even though a solo career as singers was what they had all wanted at the beginning, they had bonded together over the years and had become brothers. They thought of staying together forever, but now it was time for them to take a break. They all needed some space. Jay broke the final hug and glanced at them for a few seconds before opening his mouth to say the last few words before it was time to split into their own directions.

“It’s the five of us against the world. We will always be brothers...Forever."

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