20 》 ignition

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Ronnie's POV

I jumped over my bed and dodged the people that were trying to capture me.

Devyn runs at me and successfully tackles me to the floor.

I groan and Aaron jumps in to pin me down.

I kick and squirm like a little kid bit eventually give up.

I'm too exhausted for anymore fighting.

Aaron helped me up and tosses me off his shoulder.

I didn't even put up a fight I was so tired.

I was positive that it was currently the early hours of dawn.

Aaron carefully stepped down the ladder as he propped me on his shoulder.

One step at a time,

"How?!" Corey exclaims as he sees that Aaron had actually got me to temporarily agree to something,

"It was a struggle as usual." Amanda huffed as everyone made there way downstairs.

Aaron led the way downstairs and everyone followed behind.

He made his way to the bottom floor then walked outside and out to the pool,

"No, no!" I protest still helpless at 5ft and not very strong,

"Yes!" I heard Elton mock from behind me,

"Shut up!" I yell, getting even more agitated,

"Shut upppp!" A group of bad female impressions moan back at me.

I huff in acceptance that i live with a bunch of idiots.

Aaron places me down, holding me in place with two firm hands held tightly on my shoulders.

We were stood at the edge of the pool, ready to walk the plank it felt like.

They had made a makeshift platform extending the length of the pool.

Two ladders ducktaped together and wood,

"What the hell is going on?" I hear him say from beside me.

I turn my head to look at him.

He looks horrible.

I wish I could apologise but I'm too stubborn and I won't let myself,

"Ladies and gentleman!" Elton roars as he marches to the other side of the pool from us who were standing on the side of the house,

"We are gathered here today for the resolution of this idiotic fight" Elton said as he stared at me and dickhead.

I groan as Aaron walks over to one side of the pool.

Forcing me to look at him.

He looks back at me and rolls his eyes.


Sam and Corey were holding Colby in place but he was the same as me.

Exhausted and not strong enough to put up a fight,

"Gladiators! Walk the platform and face your competitor!" Elton yells and a triumphant cheer comes from everyone else beside me and Colby,

"Will you stop with that?!" I snap at Elton,

"Will you stop with this?!" He yells back as he waves his hands in our direction.

I willingly walk onto the makeshift platform as does Colby.

It was unsteady and I was finding it hard to keep balance.

My leg slips and I almost go in but Colby quickly grabs my arm, helping me back up,

"Don't fucking touch me!" I yell at him as i pull my arm back from his grasp,

"Will you stop being so spiteful?" Colby groans,

"Me spiteful? YOU WERE THE ONE WHO STARTED YELLING AT ME!" I argue back with exaggeration.

The fire inside me had been ignited again and If I was going to burn..

..he was coming down with me.

Q: what do you think is going to happen??

for you only // colby brock [SEQUEL: ONE NIGHT] (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now