"A Brush with Death, Ties with Fate"

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This is a co-op I wrote with a friend while texting... Please enjoy~!

"A Brush with Death, Ties with Fate"
Written by: Haley Myers and Kaitlyn Thompson


        Black robes fluttered lightly in the wind. The dirtied brick roads of London flickered under the gaslights above... No sounds came from anything living... Death stood alone in the streets. Death stepped out of the middle of the lane, and rejoined the shadows as a door opened quietly... Eerily...

        Seconds later, a head shown itself from the threshold. Pale blonde hair shimmering in the moonlight as the head swished back and forth, searching for signs of life. Finding none, the small, frail creature exited the home. Barefoot, and clothed only in a short, white cotton gown, a young girl, no older than fourteen years of age, padded swiftly down the street, passing the shadows in which Death hid...

        Death followed, having always been curious about the behavior of the living... It was the dying beings that frustrated Death... Their pleas to live ringing in his ears constantly. The girl later stopped, pausing for only a moment to listen. Death stilled, the pointed heels of his stilettos having clicked against the cobblestone road as his trail died. Having heard the quiet sound, the girl spun around, allowing Death to gaze upon her beauty. The youth of her life showed its mature beginning, yet the childlike look in her eyes still lingered.

        Death had meet this girl before, the day she was born... Having been there to take the life of her mother... Still being coveted by darkness, Death remained obscured from the girl's sight, leading her to believe her imagination was at work once again...

        "Oh what a sin it should be... To cause my once stone heart to beat ever so softly..." Death breathed, holding out a withered hand in the direction the girl had scampered off towards...

        Before Death could follow, footsteps louder than thunder echoed through the air from where the girl had once come. A tall man stood in the threshold, staring out into the empty streets. Anger rose in his eyes...


        One stormy night, Death stood out Fate's window, awaiting her approach. As Death started to give up for the night, her door swung open to her father stumbling in. He shouted her name, pushing her onto her silken sheeted bed. The candle light in the room grew cold and dark... The flames flickered once more to reveal Death's withered hand through her father's chest. Blood splattered over her silk linens and her innocent face.

        Fear stuck her as her father's body slumped to the floor. Trembling in terror, Fate held her breth as Death's bloodied hand reached out and stroked her cheek.

        "Fear me not, my Fate... I shall not bring you harm... Not in life, and certainly not in Death..." The wrinkled hand soon fell away from the girl's face as the candles sighed themselves into darkness, leaving Fate to fall onto her side, fainted...


        Fate's childlike qualities soon faded. Over the years, she has grown into a beautiful young lady, whose looks were worthy of a king...

        On a freezing winter morning, Fate was walking down the iced walkways to her home... Crossing the street, a loud screeching was heard... Before she could react, she was pinned under a heavy cart that no man could lift...

        Unbearable pain filled her as she gasped for air... A tall hooded figure stood above her... Kneeling beside her, it whispered, "Fate, my dear, it is not yet your time..." Death reached out its withered hand and lifted her from beneath the cart, healing her... Saving her from dying a painful death... Leaving Fate standing on her doorstep, he touched her cheek and smiled as her heart beat ever so softly...

        "Death," her voice was so light... So angelic... Even a monster, like he, could not defy such innocence... "Take me away... Take me with you..."

       "Is that what you want...? My Fate... You wish to run away with me...?" The woman nodded, her shiny blonde her contrasting perfectly with her ocean blue eyes. Shifting, Death hovered over Fate, his hooded face over hers...

      "Take me..." She whispered again, this time stepping into his arms.

       Death's skeletal arms wrapped around Fate's frame, holding her close as he opened a portal to his world... As he was a master of death, the creature surely didn't make home in Heaven, but in a void of darkness, filled with absolutely nothing. Dispersing into dust, slowly, almost painfully, Death, and his angel, faded into the Abyss.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 03, 2014 ⏰

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