my cast Even if you're a bro, knock before entering!

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Li Yan seemed like he wanted to say something more to Lin Ke Song, but Jiang Qian Fan said to the foreigner: "Mayer, pay her the tour guide fees of 1000USD."

"Yes, sir." Mayer nodded, turned to Lin Ke Song and said, "Miss, may I know your name?"

"That...... I'm called Lin Ke Song......" Lin Ke Song wonndered if the other party was going to pay by cheque or transfer, does she need to write down her account number too?

"Ke Song?" Mayer had an upper lip moustache, wore rimless glasses, had on a very formal western suit, and looked like an old British gentleman. Compared to Li Yan, Mayer was a lot more amiable. Moreover, his mandarin was really good, almost couldn't hear an accent.

"Lin is my surname, my name is Ke Song."

Mayer laughed: "Sounds like croissant (T/N: said in english)."

Lin Ke Song laughed, "Ah, croissant (T/N: lit. French styled sheep horn bread)!"

Mayer as expected tore out a cash cheque, and very politely handed it to Lin Ke Song: "Thank you for accompanying Mr Jiang today, cute little bun."

Lin Ke Song blinked, what did he call her?

Cute little bun?

Jiang Qian Fan who had embarked up the hotel's stairs stopped, and turned slightly towards Lin Ke Song's direction.

Even if Lin Ke Song knew that he could not see her, she didn't know why but she had the illusion that the other party was saying "goodbye" to her.

"Goodbye, Mr Jiang."

Lin Ke Song quietly said, walked towards the main road, planning to catch the train home.

Li Yan and Mayer accompanied Jiang Qian Fan into the elevator.

The Jiang Qian Fan who had been silent the whole time suddenly said: "Where is that bicycle?"

"Oh, I was thinking...... how about giving it to the hotel employees?" Li Yan had a puzzled expression, he couldn't understand why Jiang Qian Fan would ask about the bicycle.

"I want to bring it back to New York."

Li Yan gaped, it's only a bicycle, there's no need to bring it over thousands of miles to New York, and Jiang Qian Fan is blind, he can't even ride a bike ah!

But Mayer lifted his hand, signalling to Li Yan to not say anything more.

They reached the hotel room, after Li Yan gave a short report, Jiang Qian Fan and Mayer were left in the room.

Mayer slowly brewed a pot of tea, and sat opposite of Jiang Qian Fan.

"Mr Jiang, Li Yan said you wanted to try out the dishes around here, why didn't you let him accompany you and instead chose a female stranger, and even rode the bicycle?"

"Lang Hua restaurant was not as outstanding as Li Yan had reported, not enough to collaborate with me in China's region. Today at Lang Hua restaurant, Li Yan was also much more nervous than normal. "

"So, Mr Jiang, you think Li Yan is hiding something from you?"

"My trust will only be given once. If I had sat in that car, I do not think Li Yan will help me find the thing I really want."

"But Miss Lin did, right?"


Right now, Lin Ke Song is sitting in the train totally concussed, when she suddenly woke up, it looks like she has slept for two rounds round the same train route!

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