Chapter 22

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One the Ice horses, we made it home within a few hours. It would have been minutes, but that ride would have killed the spring heir to quickly. My castle looked the same on the outside. Same ice walls that towered over the trees, the smoothness of the lines that connected each new part of the castle together was still strongly held, but it felt different. Now that I got my land back, and took more in the process, I was humming with power. It was speaking to me stronger than before.

I felt the deaths this little war took. And there were a few in the castle, the bodies of the spring army that managed to sneak past my knights and into my home already broken remains of ice on the floor. What I felt were the deaths of two cooks - Alec and John, the kids reading teacher - Mariette, and a member of my small council.

I didn't realize that my eyes were closed, I didn't realize that I was gripping on the horses reins so tightly that the ice cracked.

"Evie," Ray whispered.

"Liam's dead," I said to the wind.

Liam. The first man from my mothers tightly dysfunctional circle to join me in my cause five years ago. A man that went from stealing, killing and torturing for fun to a man that let himself hope for a better life. A man who knew my kids were the future of that hope and gave them everything. His knowledge, his ideas, his teachings, his time. Liam, my first knight... deserved to live in that hopeful world he yearned for. Not this world that was now a war with seasons drifting apart and families backstabbing one another. No. This wasn't fair.

I had promised him that I would lead winter to better things, but instead I've taken steps back - not forward.

One thing I did not let myself do was grieve. Not yet, not here. Not when I know what my father has started was going to cause more injuries, fights, and deaths. It wasn't time to grieve, not for a while.

Ray and I walked in the doors entry frame first, the chains in my hand dragging a very awake spring heir. And close behind was Alagan, observing the new home. This wasn't the same one he grew up in. There was some relief in his eyes that it wasn't.

My footsteps were sounded out with the commotion of the remaining workers cleaning up the mess the intruders made. Broken ice was everywhere, and splatters of blood were now light pinks in the glass like floors.

Everyone turned as the Queen and King entered their home, and bowed. I lifted my hand and dismissed them all. "Go to your loved ones and tell them winter is safe once again."

They scattered quickly and whispered 'thank you my Queen.'

Yana and Hudson come rushing through the side door. Yana's hair that was dyed red to hide her identity in spring now a soft pinkish blonde, Hudson with a swollen lip and tussled hair. But together they looked alert, if not tired.

"Did the kids-" Yana started.

"They're safe," I replied.

Hudson and Yana looked at each other, as if they were trying to word something but didn't know how too. I think I know what they were going to say. But right now, I wanted the world to spot for a second. I needed an hour - two - to myself. I help the chain up to Hudson and he grabbed it without question.

"Take our spring prisoner downstairs to the cells. Give him one blanket, and have someone tend to his wounds. If he refused to eat or drink, force feed him. I need him alive. Understood?"

"Yes my Queen."

Yana stood arms lose and ready at her sides. Not because of the spring heir, but because of Alagan. Who looked like a spring, yet he was without chains. Her grey eyes locked on their next target.

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