Miss Me?

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Blue's POV

I dove just in time to miss the bullets that were aimed for my skull. 

I leaned against the side of the building heavily as I turned and looked at Katya who was about 20 feet in front of me leaned against crates. 

My anger spiked as I looked over at her. 

She slowly tilted her head to look over at me, a guilty expression imprinted onto her face. 

"SERIOUSLY?" I screamed over at her, overtop of the bullets that were whizzing between us. At least these dumbasses were just shooting instead of aiming. 

Her body glowed brighter as the wrinkles etched themselves out of her face, her hair grew brighter as the slight grey disappeared from her scalp. Her face shrink slightly as her skin seemed to squeeze tighter around her face. 

I was staring at Katrina. 

But not. 

She looked exactly like Katrina, except she had a glow about her, a sharpness to her face that made her look other worldly, that made her almost seem to glow like I usually did. 

She was the god version of Katrina, whereas Katrina had that humanity glow, Katya glowed like she had just stepped down from Olympus. 

Her sharp strange eyes looked over at me, while I glared, "are you telling me that you shuffled the whole way on purpose?" I growled over at her. 

She rolled her eyes, sending a shock through my system at how much she looked just like Kat. "Once they stop randomly shooting and run out of amo, make a break for the plane" she nodded at the small one that was on the runway. 

My eyes widened as I turned to look at her, "YOU WANT TO STEAL IT?" I bellowed back at her. 

She glowered back at me, "no shit, Sherlock. I thought you had no morals?" she mocked me. 

"I don't" I hissed at her just as the shooting stop. 

Not a second later we were sprinting, moving as fast as we could to get to the plane. The sounds of the men's shouts were caught in the wind as we quickly climbed into the small plane. 

I look over at her as she quickly switches on the plane, pressing and screwing knobs. 

A sinking feeling hits me. 

"You know how to fly right?" I ask her. 

The bright smile that shoots across her face is the same one Katrina has. 

Oh fuck. 

Her eyes wide, twinkling with what can only be described as in-fucking-sanity. 

"We're about to find out!" she screamed. 

I closed my eyes. 


I shuffle my feet in annoyance as Trina continues to drag me down the aisle of this store. 

Her happiness is practically shining off her skin as she strolls around, pushing the baby stroller in front of her. 

"DAMNIT TRINA, I CAN'T CARRY ALL OF THIS SHIT!" Sasha's loud voice blast into the side of my face as she waddles next to me, carrying probably more baby clothes than I am. 

We were both carrying piles and piles of baby clothes while she just threw them back at us to catch. 

I turned to Sasha, "shut the fuck up! You can't cuss in a children's store!" I hissed at her as I tried to balance the weight in my hands and also walk in a semi-straight line. 

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