Tsunade [29]

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Tenshi goes back in time and stops the death of a certain someone.


"Looks like we're a bit late."

"Did the snakes do this too?"

Naruto asks Jiraiya, examining the destruction.
Upon our arrival here we spotted a crumbled building with people running in the opposite direction. One of them had said a monster "Snake" had done it. Seeing the look on Jiraiyas face I knew that it wasn't just no monster snake.

Orochimaru was here. What the hell he was here for, is what I'm trying to figure out.
"Tenshi, Naruto lets get moving. Tsunade is no longer here."

"Man this Tsunade isn't anywhere and we still haven't found a clue either!" I hear Naruto grumble next to me in response.

Giving him an irritated side glance, I suppress strangling the boy. He'd been complaining non-stop and If he complained one more time, Tsunade's not the only one who's going to be missing.

" Put a cork in it,  if anything I should be complaining since I'm the victim here."

"Victim!?! Ten-Chan you agreed to come?!"

"Only because you said you'd buy me dango."
He looks away with animated tears clutching his heart in fake pain.

"T-ten-Chan is all you ever think about is food?! I thought you wanted to spend time with your bestfriend."

Rolling my eyes, I cross my arms giving him an unamused look.

"Oh please, don't give me that spend time bullshit, as far as I'm concerned you'd choose ramen over me any day."

"That is so not true Ten-Chan?!"

"Oh really, it's not? Remember that time you ditched me on my birthday because ichiraku was having a 50% off discount sale on miso ramen."


"People don't forget."

"Lets have dinner here for now." Jiraiya cuts off me and Narutos bickering.

"This is a bar, dattebayo!" Naruto points out.

"Maybe if you pull your sexy jutsu they'll make an exception?" I say to Naruto.

"Bakas, I'm not telling you to drink, just munch on the appetizers." The hermit says as he walks under the flaps into the bar.

Following behind him, I grab Narutos collar dragging him in with me.

"Nene, cant we get Ramen instead?"

"As much as I'd love the idea Naruto, Jiraiya's actually on to something by picking this place.
I mean bars are the top spots for information especially information regarding sake loving sanin."

"See Naruto, why can't you be smart like your little girlfriend?"

"Sakuras not even here?!"

Gaining irk marks, I bonk the idiot on the head highly offended.

"YOU LITTLE TWERP ARE YOU CALLING ME DUMB, SAKURAS NOT EVEN YOUR GIRLFRIEND !?" Gripping his head in pain he gives me a sheepish look.

"I mean you're not exactly the sharpest kunai..." He trails off.

I sent the Uzumaki a murderous glare as he cowers behind a sweat dropping Naruto.
Kami, I'm starting to think bringing these two was a mistake...


Hearing a feminine voice, my aura calms down and I look for the source, me and Narutos jaw dropping in the process.

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