Step Carefully

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"What powers?" Dathúil inquired

"You know." The boy said as though he was an idiot. "Like being invisible and going through stuff, and making things move without touching them?" He said in a questioning manor. Wait, wasn't he a ghost? Did he not know? Should I tell him? I gave Dathúil a look. Trying to ask him without words. As to not alarm the boy.

"Oh, yes. I can do all of those." Dathúil bragged. Damn it, why can't you be mature? "I can also Fly and teleport." Dathúil continued gaining a gasp from the boy, who now seemed to look at Dathúil with wonder and excitement... this is going to be fun. I thought, hearing the sarcasm ooze from my head.

"Danny would you let me talk to Dathúil for a moment?" I ask as he stands there for a few seconds until he realizes what I mean.

"Oh, right. Sorry." He apologizes then turns to make faces at random people.

I turned back to Dathúil but it appeared that he already knew what I was about to ask because he responded before I could ask. "Yes, he is. No, we shouldn't tell him... Spirits that don't know generally died a more... gruesome death than others. In short there's a reason they don't remember." I must have had a surprised look on my face because he explained further. "Depending on how he died it could have tramatic effects on his mind and spirit causing him to potentially become dangerous and deadly. It's best to work him through it slowly rather than all at once. For now he appears to be bound to the school grounds so let's go home quickly and get the grimoire to fix this." The grimoire is also known as a book of shadows. Sounds scary and awesome I know, it's basically my family's book of spells, it also has the ability to enhance magic powers so we can definitely use it to unfreeze time. The hard part will be getting back, the effects will be instant so I'll have to be fast.

I look back to Danny. "Hey woul-" He wasn't there... damn he must have left. "We have to find him before he gets into any trouble"

Dathúil steps in front of me. "Oh no, I'M going to find Danny. YOU'RE going to get the grimeour and fix this mess my cub and don't think your mother won't hear about this." Oh great, being scolded by my mom... DEFINITELY (not) looking forward to that. Having said his piece Dathúil walked off to go look for Danny and I headed for home. Luckily we didn't live too far so I could feisably get back without anyone noticing, but it was unlikely.

Luckily I didn't get too far when I noticed birds flying in the sky, seems like my spell wasn't permanent. Thank the gods u didn't get home and realize that. I looked back at Andurs who looked very confused as to where I went. I snickered to myself for a moment then went back inside.

Author-Kun notes

Sorry for the wait and for the short chapter. Alot has happened and I've had a bad case of writers block. I have not however forgotten about this nor have I run out of ideas. Expect more soon.

Yours truly,
                        Fey Mischief

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