bonus chapter ;3

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For you <3

If you haven't read the epilogue yet, check that out first please!! I updated it 3 days ago!

* * * * * *

"Harry, I'm in pain." I breathe heavily.

"I know, love, just a few more minutes," he squeezes my hand, "We're almost there."

"Okay." I groan.

I'm sweating like a motherfucker.

"I'm freaking out. I feel weird." I complain, "I feel like I can't breathe."

"Just breathe slowly and keep calm." he says, "It's obvious you feel weird, you're about to poo a baby out."

"Harry, I'm not pooping him out."

"I know, but it sounds better than saying you're pushing Nugget out of your-"

"Don't." I cut him off.


"Oh god, I actually feel like taking a dump right now."

"Geez, babe. Tmi." Harry scrunches his nose.

"Sorry, I'm stressed."

"Stop, you're going to be fine. I'm here."

"Oh no, what if I actually shit while giving birth?" I gasp, "That'd be so embarrassing!"

Harry chuckles, "Stop worrying, please."

"What if there's something wrong with Nugget?"

"Nugget's fine."

"What if my hole's too small and I can't push him out?" I put my hand over my mouth, "I can't breathe."

"Well, you are pretty tight."

"Harry! That doesn't make me feel any better!"

He chuckles, "Chill."

"I can't chill. You chill."

"I'm very chill."

"I'm not."

"Stop worrying."

"I can't, I'm freaking out!"

"Well, stop, damnit! You freaking me out!"

"Stop freaking out then, because you're freaking me out even fucking more!"

"Babe, this is not helping anyone!"

I chuckle while breathing heavily, "We're a mess."

"No, you."

"Okay, I'm the mess." I agree.

"It's okay, we're good, we're here."

* * * * * *

"Okay, Mrs. Styles, now, it's important you do exactly as we say and remain very calm." The doctor says to me.

"That already sounds very complicated to me."

"You'll be fine." He replies.

"See, babe? That's what I've been telling you this whole time." Harry says to me.

"I know, but it sounds more assuring coming from a doctor." I reply.

Harry chuckles, "Geez, thanks, babe."

"Okay, listen up, as soon as the contractions start again, I need you to push really hard."

I nod, "Okay."

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