Chapter 9

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Julie's POV

Our master plan hasnt started yet. It'll start when they sing a certain song. Honestly we need to see who they might like first.. So while they sing a certain song, they will be looking at the girl they like. Maybe this plan will work better then expected...

I mean if they can just look at one of them, and smile, nd glisten there eye at them, I mean then that would be great 😏

Me and Suk decided that instead of choosing for them, they choose themselves... But without them knowing the plan of course. You see how nice we are? Getting our girls boyfriends! They should thank us one day.


When we got there for sound check, 5 seconds of Summer had to sound check first. Then it was One Direction's turn. We were backstage waiting for the 5sos boys to be finished so the boys could go.

After everyone finished there sound check... Guess what we did?

-Play truth or dare?

-Play follow the leader?

-Sing "Row, row, row your boats?

-Hide and Seek?

-Play Spin the Pencil?

-Play Would you rather?

Okay you get my point, on the endless amount of things we could do. But if you guessed Hide and Seek, you are correct!! You win nothing! I hope you enjoy your prize!

We got to choose partners, obviously it was me and Ashley! Jashley all The way! Problem is Harry wasn't so happy about it, he and Louis ended up having to seek, because he was paying attention when we all yelled "not it" he was the very last one to say it.

We ran into the dressing room and hid underneath a table that was covered by a cloth. We heard the door open, and we kept quiet... We heard running, then the running got closer and closer. I looked at Ashley wide-eyed.

I held my breath hoping they wouldn't hear me breathing deeply. The cloth slowly, but fastly opened, and revealed Luke and Calum. I smacked the top of their heads and whispered "You idiots! This is occupied" and then I glared at them.

We all heard foot steps come toward the door, we moved a little so that we all four of us could fit underneath 2 tables. Guess who it was? No not just Harry, no not just Louis, it was Louis, Harry, Lou, Zayn, and Liam. Luke started laughing, and since I was closer to him, I lightly smacked his face, but not enough to hurt him. I told Ashley to move out of the table and under neath the desk they use to do all their hairs...

But before I could follow Ashley I was pulled away, out from under the table. I looked at my leg, and I had seen that it was Luke's hand pulling my ankle.

"If we're going down your coming down with us" Luke said as he pulled me out.

"Ugh! I was gonna win too" I glared at him.

Harry grabbed my arm, and pulled me towards him. And I was now at his side.

"Where's Ashley?" Ashton asked

"Oh I don't know" I smirked


"No Shiz Sherlock! I was her partner" I replied to his scream.

"I'm not telling you thoo" and with that I ran out of Harry's arms and out the door, I ran into the ladies room, and I stood on the toilet, just to make sure they couldn't see me.

I heard kissing noises coming from the stall next to me... Okay that's just gross. I looked over the stall to see Niall and Sukhmani full on snogging... You see this why I never leave them alone.

I put my arm over the stall and wacked Nialls head.

"Gross, gross, gross! Niall you aren't even supposed to be in here!" I yelled, a little bit too loudly. I think Harry and the others heard, because I heard the door open.

"I think they're in here" Ashley whispered

She looked up and saw me, she smirked as I put my index finger to my mouth.

She wasn't alone, she was with Sumiran and Alana. Ashley looked back up at me, and i pointed to the stall next to me. Ashley gladly crawled underneath the stall where Niall and Sukhmani were.

"Sukhmani? Aren't you claustrophobic?" Ashley asked

Which startled them and made them jump apart. Niall jumped back a little to far and ended up booty bumping Ashley. Which caused her to slam into the stall door. I started laughing my butt off, which made my foot fall into the toilet. Great... Now I need a different pair of shoes.

I unlocked the stall door, and all you could hear now was groaning, made by Ashley, and squish, squish, suish, made by my soggy foot.

Sumiran's POV

We were looking for Julie, and Sukhmani since the game was over. We heard yelling coming from the girls bathroom. Obviously that was Julie, who yells in a restroom?....Don't answer that.

When we walked in Ashley was acting all quiet, pretending to look around, when I knew for sure she knew where at least one of them were. Ashley looked up and saw Julie's head... But I kept quiet and kept looking.. And then I hear noises coming from the next stop or two... Not the greatest noise but y'kno...

I look away for a second, and i see half of Ashley's little body crawl underneath a stall, but it wasn't Julie's... And all of a sudden she says, "Sukhmani? Aren't you claustrophobic?" and then a big bang to the door, and the groaning. Then a fit of laughter. Then a splash, which stopped the laughter. And then a groan, squish, groan squish, squish, then Julie's stall opened with a really water worked foot.

Zayn's POV

The game was over, and now we were just waiting for the girls, and one missing boy to come back.

They came back about 5 minutes after. Julie's foot is soggy, and wet.... Ashley looks like she got hurt pretty badly, and Niall and Sukhmani are all lovey Jubley... But they came back just in time for the concert....well for 5SOS to play


Thank you all for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, we will be updating a lot more now, sorry for how long we took to update! :)

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2.7k reads thank you so much! I know it's nothing compared to other books, but thank you so much!-Julie

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