Chapter Thirty-One

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Sorry for the super long wait guys! I only have two finals left and will be done by Wednesday so I'll definitely get a ton of more time to write until the end of the summer! Woohoo! :) Enjoy! xx

Chapter Thirty-One (Lucy’s Perspective)

“We’re going to a bakery?” He asks, laughing and beaming at the same time. I nod enthusiastically and he laughs again. “Fine by me!”

We enter the bakery and I’m pleasantly surprised by how kitschy and cute it looks on the inside. Also by it’s virtually deserted state. The floors are black and white checkered linoleum tiles and everything around it is covered in bold colors of magenta, turquoise, yellow, lime green, and orange. Harry wastes no time looking at the building, his eyes moving straight to the glass display of desserts.

“I read reviews of this place’s red velvet cupcakes online and they’re supposed to be extraordinary,” I say, nudging him in the ribs with my elbow. His eyes light up as he flicks his head in my direction before focusing back on the rows of cupcakes. We make our way to the display and Harry practically presses his nose to the glass. The girl behind the counter stares at him with narrowed eyes, as if she is trying to recognize him. I leave him to drool over the red velvet cupcakes he’s finally located and go to the girl to order ours.

“Hi!” I say cheerfully.

“Hello! How are you?”

“I’m doing well, yourself?”

“Just fine, can I take your order?”

“Can I get one of your red velvet cupcakes for him? And then I also want to get an assortment of one dozen. Can you make sure we only get one of each though, please? It’s his birthday and I want him to have fun sampling all of the best flavors!” I whisper giddily as the girl giggles to herself.

“Sure! Should I just surprise you with the dozen then?”

“That sounds great!” I pay her for the order, which is pretty expensive for 13 cupcakes, but it’s part of Harry’s present from me, so I don’t mind. Before I’m about to turn around she taps my arm lightly, stopping me.

“I’m sorry, but, um, is that the Harry Styles?” She asks nervously, drawing her bottom lip into her mouth. I grin and nod, and her eyes widen in shock. “I knew I recognized him! You, too! You’re his new girlfriend, right?” She asks, and I nod again. “This is too crazy. If you don’t mind, could I get a picture before you guys leave? My friends are never going to believe this!” I laugh and promise her a picture before heading back to Harry to pull him away from the glass display.

“Come on, let’s go pick a table. She’s going to bring us our cupcakes when she gets them all together,” I explain, and he raises an eyebrow at me.

“How many are we getting?”

“13!” His jaw drops and I laugh at his expression. “I got you a red velvet one since that’s your favorite, but I got a dozen assorted ones that we can taste. Like samples!” He grins from ear to ear and wraps me up in a huge hug before releasing me and looking around the bakery for the girl that was behind the counter.

The Second Time AroundDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora