♡2♡ Second grade

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Time skip to the day before school begins. Josh and Tyler went to walmart with their parents, buying all they need for school. Back home the two boys decorated their notebooks, both having alot of fun.

The sun was starting to set, and Tyler and Josh had been playing on the trampoline, now lying next to each other, on their backs, holding hands amd looking into the sky full of stars above them.

"Tyty i'm scared because of tomorrow" Josh whispers.
"Don't be scared Joshie, i'm gonna be with you all the time" Tyler whispers back, giving Josh's hand a little squeeze.
"Now look at the stars, isn't it pretty?" Tyler says, turning his head back.
"Yeah, do you believe in aliens? They're out there somewhere, one of those stars is their home" Josh says
"I think so too" Tyler answers.

"I love the night. The stars, the moon, the darkness. It makes me feel safe." Tyler explains.
"Yeah. And every morning the sun will rise, and we will try again" Josh answers.
"I'm always sad without you, Joshie. Before I met you I was always sad. Now it's better with you but when i'm in my room alone i'm sad again. Mommy and daddy don't like it" Tyler says, sadness in his voice.
"I know. But it's okay to be sad. I like to be sad sometimes and my mom and dad don't like it either. But I have you so I don't care." Josh answers.

They lie there for a while, just looking at the stars and holding hands, until it gets cold and they both go home.
Back home, Tyler is sad again. As soon as he enters his house, his smile fades away. He showers, eats dinner and goes to his room to go to bed.

"Goodnight little brother, you're gonna have fun tomorrow, I promise" Zac says, smiling at Tyler. Tyler does not smile back and Zac sighs, going to his own room.
"Tyler, go to bed now honey. I'll wake you in the morning and then Josh and you can walk to school together." His mom smiles, kissing her son's cheek.
"Love you mommy, goodnight" Tyler hugs her and lies down in bed, falling asleep with tears in his eyes. He's always so sad when he's alone and does not know why.

"Goodmorning honey! Time to get up, first day of school!" Laura says, opening the blinds in his room.
"Ugh.. I don't wanna go" Josh whines, pulling his blanket over his head.
"Tyler is going to! You're gonna have fun. Or do you want to leave him alone on his first day to the new school?" Laura asks her son, going downstairs and setting up some cereal for her son.

Tyler! Josh thinks, suddenly not so sleepy anymore. He puts on some blue jeans and a rocketship shirt, his red converse and goes to the bathroom to wash his face. After breakfast he picks up his red backpack, and makes his way over to Tylers house. His front door opens, Tyler walking out, looking sad. He's wearing black jeans, a blue shirt with stripes, a dark blue backpack over his shoulders, and black and white vans. Once he sees Josh, a smile appears on his face.

"Morning Joshie!" He says, hugging his best friend.
"Morning Tyty" Josh greets, making their way to school. Josh is really scared, Tyler telling him it's all gonna be alright. They placed their backpacks on the hooks outside the classroom, and walking in. Many boys and girls are there already, playing around.

"Okay, boys and girls! Please quiet down. Welcome to second grade. We're now going to split you up into your classes. You will stay in these every day, only different teachers will come and teach you your different subjects." A teacher says, she's a tall, blond woman.
"I hope we're in the same class!" Tyler whispers to Josh, a sad smile on his face.

The teacher calls out names, the children lining up in 4 lines infront of 4 different teachers. Soon, it's their turn.

"Josh Dun, Scott's class" She says, Josh slowly walking towards his line.
"Jenna Black, Andy's class" she says, a blond girl walking out of the group of children left.
"Tyler Joseph, Scott's class aswell" she says, Tyler running back to Josh, hugging him again. The teachers took their classes to their rooms, explaining some stuff about how second grade works. Josh and Tyler sit smiling next to each other, in the last row.

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