Chapter 17: A Night Alone

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After the party and long showers Kai and Aichi sat down on their couch confused on what to do next. Aichi looked over at Kai with a slight blush on his face. Kai saw Aichi's face and started to think of what the younger was planning. As Aichi let his mischievous thoughts crowd his head he couldn't help but want to kiss Kai. Aichi gently leaned forward and kissed the brunette right on the lips. Kai smiled as his little blueberry kissed him softly. Kai decided he wanted to take dominance of the kiss and battled Aichi for it. Aichi eventually gave up knowing the brunette wouldn't give up so easily. As their kiss ended Kai smirked. He looked at Aichi with a little glint of evilness in his eyes. Aichi smiled knowing how Kai thought and happily got scooped up and taken into Kai's lap. Kai turned on the TV and looked for Aichi's favorite romance movie. He scrolled and scrolled until he found it, Aichi's favorite Christmas/Romance movie, Naughty and Nice. Kai looked down at Aichi as his eyes sparkled "Kai-kun! I thought you hated this movie?!" Kai just looked at how innocent his lover was and smiled "Yeah, but you love it, and I'll do anything for you!!! Plus Aichi it reminds me of us. Your the girl who loves everything and looks on the bright side, and I'm the guy who thinks he knows everything and is very mean and basically doesn't have hope unless he's with the girl. Well for me it'd be you my little blueberry!" Aichi blushed at the brunette's words "Kai-kun do you think we can watch Markiplier?" Kai looked at the bluenette confused "Why?" Aichi smiled "Well you really like his videos and I do too. Plus when we watch the horror game ones like FNAF, Tattletail, Hello Neighbor, and Bendy I always get the chance to jump in your lap and cuddle with you, while you smoothly stroke my hair keeping me calm and warm. I also really like having excuses to be all scared, innocent, and get you all manly!!!!" Kai smirked "So I'm not manly all the time?" Aichi grinned "Well you just get more manly of course your always manly after all I am the uke and your the seme!" Kai tackled Aichi to make it to where he was on top of him "Your right about that! Now give me a kiss and we'll watch Markiplier!" Aichi smiled and happily gave Kai a kiss. After it ended the sat up and started to watch Markiplier, making sure they watch the horror game plays. As Aichi and Kai watched Aichi jumped in Kai's lap and snuggled with him, as Kai always did, he stroked Aichi's hair and used his body heat to warm him up. Aichi liked the close contact and leaned in to close the few inches between them cause Kai to get a little surprised. Kai finally came out of shock and leaned down towards the little bluenette making sure Aichi heard his words "I love you Aichi and you will always be mine! Forever, you'll never belong to anyone else! No one besides of me is allowed to touch you unless their family! I'll make sure your always by my side!" Aichi blushed fiercely as he knew the brunette was telling the truth "W-w-well I-I'm glad Kai-kun! I-I p-promise I'll s-stay b-by your side f-forever!" Kai smirked as he bit Aichi's lower ear "Good." After Aichi and Kai finished their little talk they finished watching the rest of the video. As they continued watching videos they both silently whispered how much they loved each other.  When they finally ran out of videos Aichi looked at Kai "Will you carry me to bed I really want to be held in your strong arms?!" Kai looked at Aichi with a playful frown "Come on Aichi when did you get so cheesy! I mean seriously!" Aichi started to pout "Well at least I'm trying!!!" Kai smiled "Your so cute when your angry!" Aichi looked at Kai still pouting "And you better not forget it! So carry me to bed!" Kai sighed as he playfully rolled his eyes and picked Aichi up. He slowly took him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed. Once Kai put Aichi down Aichi quickly pulled Kai next to him and pulled him close enough to where there noses were touching. As Aichi looked in to Kai's eyes he saw the love that Kai had for him. Aichi gave Kai the same look and at that moment they knew that no one I mean no one could ever separate them. Kai closed the gape between them and met Aichi's lips with his. Kai and Aichi enjoyed there kiss and the rest of the night.

Hey everyone hope you enjoyed the book. I've had a little writer's block lately and I wasn't able to update. I'm sorry if this was a little to mature for some of you I just wanted to try this style of writing a little bit. If you want me to write more chapters like this please comment and vote. I can't wait for the next chapter. Also if you have any ideas or request I'm always open! I can't wait to here your ideas just pm me or comment down below and I'd be happy to reply! Anyway have a great day/night and Merry Christmas!!!! Until next time, Happy Holidays and Bye bye!

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