chapter 3

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"Mom i don't want to keep jungkook in this city!!" Suga yelled in frustration looking at his yonger brother who sitting on the couch and playing with miri.

"Yoongi try to understand. Jungkook is too naive and pure. He needs to know how to survive in this harsh world, without depending on anybody. He needs to become more mature." Mrs. Min said weakly smiling at her son.

"Please yoongi ah..." she said in a soft voice and caressed the latter's cheek. Yoongi glared at her slightly for a while and sighed.

"Fine... and call me suga! Not yoongi!" Mrs. Min chuckled at her son and nodded her head.

"But i am not letting him go anywhere alone." Suga said crossing his arms making the woman sigh.

"He never changed.." she thought while nodding her head. Yes, you can call suga the "overly overprotective brother" who never lets anyone hurt his baby brother. And he always shows his soft side to jungkook, which he doesn't do with anyone. His heart has a terrible soft spot for his baby brother. Mrs. Min have lost count of how many boys yoongi beat up because they bullied jungkook.

"Take good care of him ok?" Mrs. Min said even though she already knew that he would take care of the younger like a gem.

Yoongi nodded and walked to living room, sitting beside the younger.

"Hyung, me and miri missed you a lot!!" Jungkook squealed and hugged the older suddenly, almost crushing suga in his tight hug. Miri barked and joined them in the hug by entering a small gap between the males.

"Ah i missed you guys too." The blue haired male said, trying to breathe. Jungkook finally let go of the hug and smiled widely at his brother.

"Saranghe hyung!!"




V tiredly took off his helmet and floped on the couch lazily. The silence of the house was so soothing because both his parents are out on a business trip. His relaxation was interupted by a loud excited bark. He lazily lifted his head up and smiled at his short corgi standing infront of him.

"Come here boy." He gestured and it quickly ran and jumped on him, making him chuckle.

"You missed me huh chopa..." he whispered and ruffled its head as it barked again. He suddenly remembered an image from earlier of a certain boy and his poodle who looked similiar to each other.

"You know. I met two other puppies today like you." He said smiling and chopa tilted its head, listening to the male.




"You are enrolling him in my school?" Suga groaned while looking at his mother. They were having dinner while jungkook was already asleep from the tiring journey of busan to seoul.

"Yes ofcourse." Mrs. Min said munching her food while suga frowned.

"Wow mom. Great. Are you trying to get him killed? You know my school is not the best in disciplinary. It has a a lot of asshole kind of students. And hell! Jungkook can't even survive in a nursery school and you're are planning to put him in mine..great!" The male said throwing his hands in the air while Mrs. Min rolled her eyes.

"Aish stop worrying too much. He will be fine. Besides, you will there with him. So i got nothing to worry about." She said cooly and suga just glared at her, sighing in defeat.

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