an unexpected deal

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I was now sitting outside on a coffee table, waiting for Maui. I called him after Skai's visit yesterday to let him know what had happened and we made plans to meet up instead.  Seemed like the best way to tell him what had happened. I was desperately anxious at the moment. I crossed and uncrossed my legs so many times that I even lost count.

"Hey my lovely" a familiar voice said from behind me. I turned around only to be stared at by Maui.

"Hey"  a sudden smile plastered itself on my face and my anxiousness fled away at the sight of him. I became more relaxed when he placed a soft kiss on my forehead.

"You look beautiful" I blushed.

"What's up" our hands were entwined on the table and slowly caressed my hand with his thumb.

I took a deep breath and forced a smile. His forehead wrinkled and I could tell that he knew something was up.

"Christelle what's wrong?" His tone held worry and I squeezed his hands.

I wasn't afraid to tell him. Hell I was so ready to tell him. But I was afraid of how he would take it. He would be angry that's for sure, but I was more concerned of what he would do to Skai afterwards.

" Christelle tell me what's on your mind. If you're having some second thoughts about the wedding then-"

" NO!!" I shouted. Maybe a little bit too loud considering some people were looking at us

"It has nothing to do with the all."

"Then what is it?" Just tell him already, you're making a big deal out of nothing here. Just tell him.

"Skai came over last night and he said that he loves me and that you're not for me" I tightened my grip on our entwined hands and I realised that I wasn't the only one doing it. He clenched and unclenched his jaw and I could tell that he was furious.

"And I scared him away" he chuckled at my statement and the features on his face relaxed.

"Come here" he said while letting out a breath. He pulled my chair closer to him and kissed me forehead.

"Don't worry about him okay. And thank you for telling me"

" what's an engaging relationship without constant honesty." He chortled and I smiled knowing that he was calmed.

"You know I was worried that you would have left the minute I told you about him to go beat him up"

"The option is still open, but he's not worth it. He tried and he failed" his tone was smooth and soft.

"You're an elusive man Maui" I said as I pulled myself from him and stared into his eyes.

"I am a Demi God after all Mrs.A-kalana" I giggled at the name and it reminded me of the first time when he told me about it.

"Still sounds so cute" I whispered while laughing and he rolled his eyes at me all the while dipping down to give me a kiss.


"What do you think?" I stood on the platform in front of my mother and Gretta and caressed the silk smooth fabric of the wedding dress that was on me.

And I know that I already did my fitting but Maui was there and even though we all fell in love with a particular dress, we still made plans to do another fitting without Maui being present.

"That is beautiful sweetheart"

"Do you think he'll like it. I mean he was impressed with the other dress."

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