Chapter 3: Avoiding him then telling him the truth anyways

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Jessica pov
I was avoiding him all day hiding behind people  , behind lockers, ducking underthings. Because if I get near him ,his fangirls looked like they wanted to bite my head off ! Until one day I accidentally bumped into him.

Oh shoot ! Why?!?!?
He looked at me with a calm expression meanwhile I have a fear expression.  He shows a reassuring smile .

You gonna kill me ?.....

" hey...hey it's okay ... You don't need to be afraid of me...."


"Are you ok ?"


"Why won't you answer me ?"

I had to speak I spoke shyly and quitely.

"I...I...I'm so sorry....I didn't mean....I... please don't..."
I cried a little bit.

"Hey ,hey! Please don't cry...."

"I don't want....I didn't .... I'm sorry...."

I ran away..... I'm so awful..

UL Mettaton pov
That girl was so Scared I know who her brother is maybe I can ask him about it ?   Just then I saw them and they were walking towards me ?

"Okay sis I'll be right there as you apologize okay ?"


aw poor thing ....but why is she so Scared of me ? I'm not that dangerous.....

"Hey Mettaton !"

"Hello Asriel!"  He looked at his sister. With a reassuring smile.

"Go on Jess "
She took on one step towards me. Shaking with more fear than earlier.

"I.....I'm so sorry I ran...a-away I...I... I didn't mean to...I'm  sorry ...I'm so sorry "

"It's okay ..." Then her brother's friend came and he left saying.

"I'll leave you to tell him why ..."
He smirked at his sister before he left.

"S-so ....I....u-um....."

"You don't have to tell me...."

"B-But I have to...o-or else A-Asriel will get mad at me a-again...."

"Ok then....."

"i-It's cause..... y-your fangirls g-growl when I g-get near you ... I-I-Im sorry....."

Next thing I know  is she cries a little bit. 

"It's ok we can hang out in secret.... maybe this weekend ?"

"S-Sure" then she writes something on a peice of paper and hands it to me.

"M-maybe we can t-talk later...".

I nodded and she left....


(I made it up so don't try to call it ! )

Is this her number ?....
Cool !

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