Chapter 22

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      As everyone came around me in a hurry I started to lose sight of everything. Even though I had my eyes opened its like I was going blind. Everything was blurry. I blinked over and over again repeatedly hoping to be able to see clearly, blinking about 50 times in just 2 or 3 seconds.
The girl that had first ran to me was still right infront of me. Beside the fact that everything was blurry, I could see the images and colors of her outfit. She was wearing a blue shirt with some white and red that made some type of design. Her hair was platinum blonde and she had it back in a ponytail, maybe. I couldnt see what she was wearing below her waist though, bc all I could see around me was her, almost on top of me. I imagined seeing Izzy. Her gorgeous hair, beautiful hazel eyes and her heart shaped face. That's all the good that was left of her though. Her face and hair. Everything else was horrific.
     As I got my sight to go clearer I finally got a goodlook at the girl. She was beautiful. She looked like Izzy. More old though. Probably in her early 30's.
"Hey kid you okay?" The woman asks.
"You hit your head pretty hard."
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I reply.
        Once the older woman calms down and stops asking so many questions she finally helped  me back to my bed. Giving me some water and going to a vending machine to give me a cookie. She gave me a chocolate chip cookie, which is good because I love chocolate chip cookies. I felt a little better after drinking some water and getting food into my system, even if the food was junk food. It was still food.
     Even though my head still hurt from falling down I could walk like a normal person now. The girl made sure that I was ok. She told me her name was Bethany. So from now on I wouldn't call her "the girl" or "the woman" I will now just call her Bethany. Sounds a lot better. Bethany. I like it. She was sweet and kind to me. Making sure I wasn't going to try and walk if I couldn't actually. Bethany was the one to get me up to my feet again.
       After she had helped me a bunch of my schoolwork came in. About 10 wokrsheets to do and the online assignments I would do after. I had 2 assignments for english. 4 worksheets for math. 2 quizzes  for science and then 2 word searches for spanish. Sucky thing was it was all due this friday. Today is wednesday. Are they trying to hurt my brain too? I can't do all of this in two days with all the medications I have to take. I won't be able to think very well. Might as well just give me an F in all these classes.
      After working my butt off for the past three hours I got a call. I went to pick it up and it was a call from the prison. It was a call from Izzy.

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